Out in LA

Interesting caseout in Pasadena:

Oscar Carrillo was arrested on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter after he told a 911 dispatcher that 19-year-old Kendrec McDade, whom police fatally shot, was armed.

6 thoughts on “Out in LA

  1. Reminds me of this crap…


  2. I don't thing people realize how large and dangerous the problem of bogus 911 calls really is.

    Certainly in Baltimore, with its anonymous calls, the problem is huge. I don't think everybody needs to be charged. But it would be nice if people had some idea that they're supposed to tell the truth when they call 911. And that it's a crime to report a false crime. A few high-profile prosecutions could have a significant deterrent effect.

  3. If a bare 911 call is not deemed to give "probable cause" (and, let's face it, it should NOT bestow probable cause because of the "probable" requirement), then this problem pretty much goes away of its own accord.

    Its is tempting to send police officers, with drawn guns, stealth and surprise, in after causes that are less than probable, but that is illegal and needs to start being subject to criminal punishment again, just like it used to be.

  4. A 911 call *can* give probable cause. But the source has to not be anonymous.

    And even without probable cause police can and will come with guns drawn. There is no constitutional requirement for that. It's just that the call doesn't give you the right to search.

  5. No. Police have been found in violation of the Constitution for clearing leather when they should not have.

    More importantly here, police should be held liable for not picking up on Z quicker. 39 calls from him and they had no idea that the 40th one was bogus. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me 39 times and it begins to look like police knew what the dealeo was. Add to that the fact that Zimmerman could not even articulate anything even close to a crime on his 40th call and it really begins to look like police knew what the dealeo was. Add to that the fact that Zimmerman is coming about an inch away from racial slurs when describing this non-criminal.

    Yeah, police get to draw guns when somebody reports a crime or something that sounds like a crime. But Zimmerman didn't do that. He reported a non-crime that sounded like a non-crime. All the dispatcher cared about was whether this non-criminal behavior suspect (how is that for an oxymoron) was black.

    Police knew what was going on. Zimmerman was roving "automatic reasonable suspicion" that they used on a regular basis — that is, until they figured out they couldn't control him.

    Sooner or later we are going to get to hear what Zimmerman says on those previous 39 calls and whom he says it too.

    How big do you think the Sanford pd is?

  6. I would guess the Sanford PD has about 300 officers. But I don't know.

    I suspect Zimmerman is mostly calm and professional on the previous calls. He made about one call a month. I think a bit less. I don't think that's so crazy.

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