
Is “Cop” a bad word?

I gave a talk on my book today at John Jay College. After the talk a man came up to me asking about my use of “cop.” He said when he was a kid, it was considered a bad word. Police officer is the proper term. A couple of cops and students present discussed the issue. I don’t consider “cop”…

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Philadelphia PD shame

Philadelphia cops pulled three men out of a car and beat the crap out of them. For about 30 seconds. I find it inexcusable. I’m sure these guys who were beat are not good people. And no, I don’t know the whole story. But I can’t imagine anyscenario where it’s these beatings are justified. What were they thinking? They were…

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Blog people…

If you have a link to my book on Amazon.com, take note: Because of the coming re-release of my book, the amazon link has changed. The old link is dead. The new link is: http://www.amazon.com/Cop-Hood-Policing-Baltimores-District/dp/0691140081/ But you should search for it yourself with whatever link/referral service you use. Sorry for the trouble.


Praise for Cop in the Hood

Doug LeMaine, an obviously smart man with excellent taste in books, posted this on his website. I couldn’t have said it better myself: Last week I picked up a book called Cop in the Hood by a grad student turned cop (turned academic) named Peter Moskos. He’s a law professor now [I’m not a law professor. But a lot of…

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I am enjoying your book

This came to me today: I came across your book at baltimorecrime.blogspot.com, so far I am 50 pages in to it and I have to say that you have an excellent way of speaking the truth. I am a Baltimore police officer […] and I have a B.S. in Criminal Justice from […] (I am debating whether or not to…

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Interviewed in the Economist magazine

How nice to post something that will not mention… hmmm… shall we say, oh hell, let’s not say anything at all. There’s a great short (16 minute) audio interview of me talking about crime and police and drug legalization. I get a kick how the hook of the interview is the “liberal sociologist.” By police standards, sure. But by liberal…

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The Chronicle

Well, ifany publicity is good publicity, I’ve sure been getting a lot of good publicity. The latest is by Jennifer Howard at The Chronicle of Higher Education. May 2, 2008 Princeton U. Press Recalls Typo-Filled Book and Says It Will Reprint Princeton University Press has recalled all copies of one of its spring titles after discovering more than 90 spelling…

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The Great(,) Humiliation Column

I got a call from Laura Vozzella of the Baltimore Sunthe other day. I thought maybe she was a reviewer asking about a press release from Princeton Press telling reviewers to hold off until the new edition is out. But I got worried when I started talking about the errors and heard the tapity-tap-type of note taking in the background.…

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