
Details on the drug corner

My friend emailed me this: I think we were able to pull that surveillance off not only because it was quiet from the rain but also because it was 1 month and 3 days after 9/11. We were rolling 3 – 4 deep and had every spare car on the road.


Drug corner in action

Here’s a nice action video of a drug corner shot by a police officer friend of mine back in October 2001. Basically this corner is a three-man (or boy) shop. The guy in the green shirt is the money man and the biggest man of this not-so-impressive. The kid in the white t-shirt (let’s call him “Little Man”) is kind…

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KGA Radio is on the Air

This video isn’t exactly action packed. In fact, nothing happens. Really. It’s just a one minute drive through the streets of East Baltimore. But that’s one minute more than you’ve probably seen. And notice the sleepy-voiced dispatcher over the police radio. If he didn’t sound sleepy, It would get your attention. He was skilled. The last thing you want as…

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Cop in the Hood back in stock

After a frustrating and inexplicable two-week delay, Cop in the Hood in finally back in stock at Amazon.com. It’s about time. Do you have your copy yet? Let the book ordering begin…


State raids mayor’s home

Is Baltimore’s Mayor Sheila Dixon a crook? I guess we’ll find out. Please note that in this case, Officer Pete’s Fourth Rule (below) does not apply.


Ron Smith show

Today. Tuesday. 5pm Eastern Time. Baltimore’s WBAL, AM 1090. Listen live.


Legal drug shakedown

NPR has a good story about law enforcement agencies seizing drug assets. It can pay for itself. The kicker is this: police prefer to come in after the drugs have been sold because it’s better for police to seize the money rather than the drugs. If police seize the drugs, the drugs are destroyed. If police seize the money from…

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