
Police arrest ‘Wire’ actress

Felicia “Snoop” Pearson, the actress who played a cold-blooded killer of the same name on the HBO series The Wire, was arrested on minor drug charges yesterday after police picked her up for refusing to cooperate as a witness in a murder trial, records show. The whole story in The Sunis here.



Here’s the linkto the interview I did today. I haven’t heard it yet. I hope it’s good.


No wonder people like him

I am proudly liberal. I am not an economic libertarian or social conservative. With that, I heard Ron Paul interviewed on National Public Radio yesterday. Of course like any politician, he was playing to his audience. On NPR, he’s talking about ending the war in Iraq and not, say, overturning Roe v. Wade. But with what I heard him say,…

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The Wire

I have a secret. Until a few days ago, I hadn’t seen the last season of The Wire. I love The Wire. But I don’t have HBO. And I don’t want to go somewhere to watch it in case I miss an episode. So I wait until it’s out on DVD. On DVD you can binge and watch the Wire…

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Colleges: Drinking age ‘not working’

Top university officials in Maryland – including the chancellor of the state university system and the president of the Johns Hopkins University – say the current drinking age of 21 “is not working” and has led to dangerous binges in which students have harmed themselves and others. “Kids are going to drink whether it’s legal or illegal,” said Johns Hopkins…

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Police officer indicted for Taser death

This is rare: “A grand jury in a small Louisiana town last week took the rare step of indicting a police officer for repeatedly shocking a handcuffed suspect with a Taser.” Here’s the story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Race is involved. The tased guy was black. The officer, who was fired, was white. Meanwhile, in Houston. It turns out that…

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