
Crime Control

A reader of mine read John Seabrook’s story in the New Yorker, about John Jay Professor David Kennedy. He send me these thoughtful comments: I’m still turning the article over in my head. This may come off as a rant but I don’t mean it as such. The piece was thought provoking for a host of reasons. I’m fairly certain…

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PATRIOT Act used for drugs, not terrorists

Ryan Grim reportsin the Huffington Post that only 3 of 763 “sneak and peek” requests involved terrorism cases. A sneak and peak is when the government searches your home or office without telling you. It was supposed to keep us safe from terrorists. But most sneak and peaks, not surprisingly, were for drugs. Also worrisome, only three requests were denied.


“Sound Cannon” used in Pittsburgh

Whoa… In the afternoon, protesters who tried to march toward the convention center where the gathering was being held encountered roaming squads of police officers carrying plastic shields and batons. The police fired a sound cannon that emitted shrill beeps, causing demonstrators to cover their ears and back up; then the police threw tear gas canisters that released clouds of…

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Baltimore police officer shot in robbery

And the apparent robbery walks into a hospital with a gunshot wound. The off-duty officer, a 16-year veteran, was shot in the abdomen last night outside his home and is in serious condition after surgery. Update: Was moved Tuesday morning from Sinai Hospital to Maryland Shock Trauma Center and has been downgraded from serious to critical condition, police said. Detective…

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Everybody must get stoned

Raționalitate asks a very good question: How much marijuana is consumed in the US? Of course, thanks to drug prohibition, we really have no idea. Some 100 million Americans would admit to having smoked marijuana, but that is most certainly a low estimate. The New York Timescites a congressional report stating that Mexico seized around 9.3 million pounds of marijuana…

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Tasers Kill

Rogueregime sent me this link to Electronic Village documenting 36 taser-related deaths in 2009. That’s far more than I suspected. I repeat my position: the taser is an excellent less-lethal weapon, an alternative to lethal force. The taser is not acceptable as a “less-than lethal” weapon because it, well, kills.


Terror Case Serious

The New York Timesreports: Documents filed in Brooklyn against the driver, Najibullah Zazi, contend he bought chemicals needed to build a bomb — hydrogen peroxide, acetone and hydrochloric acid — and in doing so, Mr. Zazi took a critical step made by few other terrorism suspects. … “The ingredients here are quite scary,” and the government’s statements have had none…

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John Jay College pretty much closes for nothing (Jewish holidays excepted). We’ve never had a snow day since I’ve been there. I’m not even certain if classes were canceled on Sept 11, 2001. So this came as a major surprise. Classes in North Hall are canceled. Luckily, I rarely enter North Hall. My classes continue as scheduled. Bedbug are a…

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Officers Down

Four officers shot, one very seriously. In a “no-knock” drug raid in New Jersey. Wayne Parry of the A.P. reports: Lakewood Patrolman Jonathan Wilson was shot in the face during the raid, and was in critical but stable condition at a local hospital. Authorities said they were cautiously optimistic he would survive despite being grievously wounded. … As soon as…

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Balto Murders

Baltimore is number two in murders, after Detroit. (Brings to mind that old t-shirt… you Baltimore cops know the one I’m talking about.) Peter Hermann writes: The 107 people charged with murder last year had accumulated a combined 1,065 prior arrests – 380 related to guns and 99 related to drugs. The 234 people killed last year had a combined…

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