
Good (but not for tourism)

Here’s to Sgt Kelly and his good Times Square shooting! The man was carrying a card that said: “I feel sorry for a cop if he think I’m getting into his paddy wagon.”


British Badass

Man wrestles gun from 19-year-old outside pub in Manchester. No doubt helped by a bit of Dutch courage.



It’s not unusually for to hear people lie in court. What is unusual is for somebody to be charged for it. Of course in this case it took an innocent man going to prison for a rape that wasn’t.


Would be 10 years now…

December 6, 1999, was my official D.O.E. in the Baltimore Police Department (even though I was already two-months into an academy class). Had I stayed on the job, I would now have ten years on, with ten more to go.


Just Get New Fingers

The problems with security that used biometric data (like fingerprints) are 1) we have too much faith in it, and 2) it doesn’t “fail” well. If you lose your driver’s license, you get a new one. What do you do if somebody steals your fingerprint? Here’s a case from Japan of fingerprint alteration.


In Memory of Marcellus Ward

Ward was killed 25 years ago. His assassination and last dying breaths were caught on tape and haunted the memory of many Baltimore police officers, some of whom I worked with. At a memorial, held where Ward was killed, Commissioner Bealefeld said that it is “not for us to judge the results of his sacrifice.” And certainly a memorial to…

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Uh, you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here?

“Party is over, guys….” Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to invite the neighborhood drug dealers to your place to watch the game. The guests staying for three days, sold drugs out of his living room, and bound and tortured the guy by pouring boiling water and pennies over his naked body. Boiling pennies?! Where do they think of…

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