
Why cops hate the New York Times

Most cops hate the newspaper. I don’t. But that’s probably because growing up, there was more newspaper blood in my family than police blood. And a healthy freedom of the press is one of the founding principles of this nation. And just think for just a few bits every day, comics, sports, news, opinion, it’s all dropped off on my…

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Schoolcraft sues NYPD for $50 Million

Don’t hold your breath waiting for this to sort itself out. Here’s what I’ve already said on this one. [Update: A link to the lawsuit.] (Update with working links to all the posts on Schoolcraft.)


In the Windy City, Blowing People Away

One easy way to tell if people have no relation to the criminal justice system is if they believe it actually works… you know, works as in guilty people get convicted after a fair trial, innocent people walk free, and victims feel like justice has been served. If you believe that, you watch too much TV. The Chicago Sun-Timesis looking…

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On the night train, with Charles Rangel

It bothers me a bit when people (politicians included) blame politicians and “Washington” for our nation’s woes. Or when politicians encourage cynicism and promote the idea that running our country doesn’t take any special skill set or intelligence. Given his troubles, I thought I’d repost an edited version of something I wrote about my chance meeting with Charles Rangel in…

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Gay Police Boat, Amsterdam

My (straight) brother in Amsterdam sends me this email with the subject, “blue is pink.” In Amsterdam, the gay pride boat parade is for everybody: Happy Gay Pride! Do the police not have a gay parade boat where you come from? The inflatable hat is a nice touch. Caption on the boat says, “The police are for everyone,” meaning, as…

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Happiness is a Worn Gun

In Harpers, Dan Baum has the best piece you’ll ever read about carrying a concealed gun. Why is it the best? Because it doesn’t fall into any of the usual left-wing-hate-guns right-wing-love-guns cliches. Along with guns, Baum likes rational drug policy, bicycles, hats, food, and my book (we have much in common). He’s, you know, your typical gun-loving liberal Jewish…

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