
So I’m on the subway…

I’m on the subway looking at the ads and all their poorly photo-shopped clip-art. It kind of cracks me up. The Office Technology worker on the right? Looking very professional (nice window view, too). The Emergency Care Management guy? He’s got a medical bag and a smile. No problem there. So what does a “Homeland Security & Security Management” dude…

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Quote of the Day

As more and more states legalize marijuana, New York City still leads the world for arrests for possession of the evil weed. You might wonder who actually thinks it’s a good idea to arrest people for a decriminalized amount of marijuana. Sergeants Benevolent Association president Ed Mullins: “If the current practice of making arrests for both possession and sale of…

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Better Policing Equals Less Crime

This is a no-brainer to many, but a lot of people — usually those who don’t like police — still deny or diminish it: cops matter. And national trends are the result not some crime-related miasma but of the collective work in individual cities and neighborhoods. Camden, NJ, is worth paying attention to. I haven’t been following it too closely,…

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Strike against cop cameras

When I was cop, boy did I joke about things I wouldn’t want seen on youtube. It might be a tad overgenerous to say what I said were even jokes. But I laughed. I still do. When I get a message on my answering machine that says, “Pete, will you stop touching little boys and pick up the phone!” I…

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