I don’t want to make too much out of this, but there is something just a little funny about a reporter being robbed on camera and then running, in tears, to the police. No, it’s not funny because somebody is robbed. No, it’s not funny that she was traumatized by it. It is just a little funny because at the…
Year: 2015
An interview with BPD Commissioner Batts
Both lengthy and honest, from 2011, when Batts was “between jobs.” Post-Oakland. Pre-Baltimore. [thanks to a commenter]
Sunday Sunday Sunday
For those interested, I have a schedule long-form interview on C-Span tomorrow (Sunday) at 9:15am eastern, talking about police issues, I suppose.
Pray for rain
The good news from Baltimore, best I understand it — and this is based on my non-knowledge from 220-miles away (ie: twitter and social media, a friend watching a live feed at TV studio, and a few police friends) — is that things seems to be calmer downtown. I do not mean things are over. Certainly not for police officers…
Things getting ugly in Baltimore
Battles are going in Baltimore. Link to tweets from the Sun. In the long run, police are going to win this. It’s just a question of how many people get hurt in the process. This breaks my heart. Not just for the people I know at risk, but also for Baltimore. I love Baltimore.
“At Supreme Court, Eric Holder’s Justice Dept. Routinely Backs Officers’ Use of Force”
This New York Times story is interesting. And these facts (which were new to me) are unknown or ignored by conservative police officers, who have somehow decided that the DOJ hates cops. [hat tip to a reader]
Well done, hon!
Things went well in Baltimore last night. So far, knock on wood, nobody else has gotten seriously hurt. Compare this with police tactics in Ferguson. But Baltimore is better than Ferguson. And the BPD is better than the FPD. What we have not seen are flash-bang grenades. No tear gas. No gun shots (except for the “normal” Baltimore homicides). No…
Baltimore Police Wagon (circa 2001)
BPD says they can’t make a wagon availableto reporters? (Not the wagon but any wagon?) I hope this baby has been retired, but you never know. What you can’t see are the middle-facing bench seats fitted with seat belts. Officers arrest somebody and call for a wagon (90 or 91). Sector cars in Baltimore City are not “cage cars” so…
“All types come out of the woodwork”
I always welcome intelligent comments from police officers. Here is an email (lightly edited) from a retired sergeant about police-involved shootings in general. I always appreciate thoughtful comments from police officers. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he writes (but I don’t need to). It’s a well stated opinion based on experience. When it comes to police issues, we don’t…
99 problems but this is no longer one
The Supreme Court ruled in Rodriguez v. United States (2015) that K9s cannot be used in traffic stops (without cause) if it delays the driver. Period. Previously, the law of the land was that the driver couldn’t be delayed too much. But it wasn’t clear how much was too much. Waiting for a K9 unit was too much. But if…