Crime, incarceration

Bail Reform’s “Collateral Damage”?

I know defund police police and prison advocates ignore this kind of case and accuse those who mention this of “sensationalizing” crime. But somebody was murdered. And if we don’t talk about this, how do we prevent it from happening again? As reported in the Daily News: “The diminutive 5-foot-tall Armand … was ordered by Judge April Neubauer to attend…

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academics, race

When you believe in crazy…

So last night I listened to a online discussion with Bill Bratton and Connie Rice. Bratton, you probably know, is the former police commissioner/chief of the NYPD and LAPD. Rice graduated from Harvard and NYU Law and is a civil rights attorney, activist, and a former member of President Barack Obama’s Taskforce on 21st Century Policing. That last part matters.…

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academics, police-involved shootings, Use of Force

Issues with analyzing police use of deadly force

Justin Nix has a good article (academic, but plain English and not behind paywall) about the dangers of using cops-killing-people as a variable. He writes in response to an article by Schwartz and Jahn that maps “police violence” across U.S. metropolitan areas. Schwartz and Jahn find, as have I, that Rates of police-related fatalities varied dramatically, with the deadliest MSAs…

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