
30-1 caught

The original suspect from New Years, who escaped when another guy sucker-punched the arresting officer, was caught.


The more things change… January 12, 1830

Paperwork: The Superindendents of division will always in future, during Sessions, send into this office a list of the names and numbers of the men who are obliged to attend the Sessions the follow day, and a Serjeant will always take care to be sufficiently early at the Session-house, and each man will report to him his arrival and the…

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Tough Baltimore arrest

Monument and Rose. 325 Post. Cop gets sucker punched trying to take a guy into custody. Anybody know if the original 30-1 got away? Was he backing up time? (email me at mail@petermoskos.com if you don’t want to post a public comment.) 30-2 is lucky he didn’t end up like like “Fat Herb,” 11 years ago. And is the term…

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Under 200

In 2011, there were 196 murders in Baltimore, the lowest number since 1977. From the Baltimore Sun: The drop extends an overall downward trend in gun violence here since 2007, the year Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III took office. … During the crack-fueled drug wars of the 1990s, killings in the [Eastern] district sometimes topped 80 a year. Last…

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Favorite Books of 2011

One of Mother Jones’s favorite books of 2011 is In Defense of Flogging. It makes a fabulous Christmas stocking stuffer, for all you Old Calendarists out there (just 10 shopping days left).


Merry Christmas

I hope everybody goes gaga when they find a nice new Victrola under the tree! [thanks to Bob]


A Christmas Message From America’s Rich

From Rolling Stone: The very rich on today’s Wall Street are now so rich that they buy their own social infrastructure. They hire private security, they live on gated mansions on islands and other tax havens, and most notably, they buy their own justice and their own government. An ordinary person who has a problem that needs fixing puts a…

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The more things change… December 21, 1829

The Constables are not, in any instance, to ask for a Christmas-box from any of the inhabitants upon their beats; if any money is offered to them as a Christmas-box they must report the circumstances to their superior officer, who will ask permission from the Commissioners for them to receive it as in other cases. What? No Christmas box?! Somehow…

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Ron Smith, RIP

Ron Smith was a newspaper columnist and radio host on WBAL in Baltimore. He died two days ago. Ron was a conservative and a libertarian. Suffice it to say, I’m not. We agreed on a few issues–like the stupidity of the war on Iraq and the war on drugs–but we disagreed on a lot more. And still he liked me;…

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