It what might be end of a long (and glorious?) Baltimore police tradition, two officers were convicted of misdemeanor for picking up two 15-year-old boys and dropping them off far from home, one of them barefoot. The officers were acquitted of far more serious kidnapping charges. These officers were certain not the first police officers to pick up trouble-making youths,…
Category: Police
Police Officer Answers Calls, Settles a Few Disputes, Does Paperwork, Returns Home to Watch TV
OK, this isn’t a real post. I just always wanted to see this printed in The Agitator. Ha! [–Peter Moskos]
“What are you, deaf?”
Two men were attacked in a bar for flashing signs. Not gang signs. Sign language, according to the AP: “Two hearing-impaired South Florida men were stabbed at a bar when their sign language was mistaken for gang signs.” Man… I didn’t stab them till after I told them to stop. What?! I did. They wouldn’t listen. There should be an…
Radley Balko has a bold post on the killing of Osama Bin Laden, “He Won.” Speaking of Balko, he has been nice enough to invite me to guest blog for a week over at The Agitator. So I’ll be posting the same things both here and there. Over there, the grass looks greener: there are tens-of-thousands of readers; here there…
Correspondents’ Dinner
I mention this only because I’ve known Seth Meyers for years, from his days at Boom Chicago, my brother’s comedy club in Amsterdam. But I thought he did a great job. And there’s a nice cut away to my brother at 1:25 of Part 2. They actually wanted to show Seth’s parents but instead got Andrew with Seth’s brother Josh…
Flogging yes… but the horsewhip?
From a comment to my article in the Chronicle of Higher Education: I think that the editors of the Chronicle and the people at John Jay who hired this thug should be taken out and horsewhipped. Luckily, the woman responsible for hiring this thug stands by me. In more mistaken criticism, somebody from the absurd we-have-2.3-million-prisoners-because-we-have-more-freedom camp says: Moskos’s argument…
Grad School Advice
I always feel like who am I to talk about grad school? I didn’t follow any of the standards Rules to Successful Completion. I liked school, but I wasn’t hanging around the department and I took nine years to finish. I might have been the only Harvard sociology student history to fail the “oral exam” (go ahead and snicker, I…
Flogging Momentum
My piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education seemed to make a splash. There’s also a piece out in the Washington Monthly (not yet available online… but why not subscribe?). I haven’t seen it yet. I mean, I’ve seen it. I wrote it…. But I haven’t seen it in print. Most people seem to be responding to the book correctly:…
Good Shooting
Videoof police-involved shooting. Cops 1. Robber 0.
Sitting at the Schadenfreude Cafe
I don’t quite know how else to describe my perusal of right-wing blogs responding to the shocker than Obama was born in Hawaii. What’s funny, though not surprising, is I haven’t heard a single person say, “gosh, I guess… I was wrong.” I guess it’s all about that “conviction” thing. “Why does it say Barrack and not Barry,” is a…