
Getting rid of police horses: bad

I’m not a horsey boy. I don’t like horses. They scare me a bit. Plus, I’ve very allergic to horses and try and stay far away (though I do like biking by the horses on Central Park South on my to work). Regardless of my dislike for horses, I think every big police department needs a few big four-legged creatures…

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“…Cause that’s where I’m from!”

Representing my home borough of Queens (even though I’m not from here and the line I’m quoting is actually talking about Brooklyn). Click through to read the text. (by Dustin Glick) And I fully agree that “Beer + Kielbasa = Happy”.


Another Drug Submarine Found

This time in Colombia. 100 feet long. Homemade. It could carry 8 tones of cocaine. Here’s the story in the BBC. There’s video of it, too. I want one.


Heroin overdoses soar in Boston

So says the Herald. Heroin overdoses have killed five people in Boston so far this year, said Rita Nieves, Substance Abuse Services Bureau director at the Boston Public Health Commission. There were 21 local fatal heroin overdoses in all of 2010 and 16 in 2009, Nieves said. By comparison, each month in the Netherlands there are fewer than 11 overdose…

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DEA Does Good

I just wanted to write that headline… because I don’t think I ever has. But I’ll some give credit where credit is due. From the New York Times. A group of men agreed to assist the Taliban in a conspiracy to ship narcotics through West Africa to the United States and with the proceeds buy weapons for use against American…

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No-knock raids

This isn’t new news, but it’s worth re-mentioning: No-knock raids are “a tactic that has grown in use from 2,000 to 3,000 raids a year in the mid-1980s, to 70,000 to 80,000 annually.” Maybe that doesn’t bother you at all. But it should. A no-knock raid is when police simply bust down your door at 5AM in sort of police…

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Leave no witnesses

Police in Arlington Heights say a 16-year-old boy arrested in January home burglary told them he poisoned the victims’ three goldfish because he “didn’t want to leave any witnesses.” Read the story here. [thanks to Dave H.]


The Face of a Killer

[update: Hey, look at the picture below and then the picture of me to the right? Do you think we were separated at birth? Or maybe I just photo-shopped all the cops holding me out of the picture.] Should I be bothered by the fact that I’m always somewhat relieved whenever I find out that some murderer, in this case…

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Photos With (Operation) Impact

Under “portfolio,” check out NYPD Operation Impact (1 & 2), from former police officer and photographer Antonio Bolfo. In an interview he says: I really liked the story of Operation IMPACT in general: how new, inexperienced cops get sent to the most dangerous places, places where a cop really should know what he is doing. . . . I was…

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Be Thankful… and nice to strangers

All this revolution and celebration got me thinking… One of the things I’m always surprised at when I travel, at least when I travel anywhere other than the US and Western Europe, is just how sweet and kind and generous the average person on the street is. I’ve seen it Egypt, in Syria, in Thailand, and in Mexico. In so…

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