Ward was killed 25 years ago. His assassination and last dying breaths were caught on tape and haunted the memory of many Baltimore police officers, some of whom I worked with. At a memorial, held where Ward was killed, Commissioner Bealefeld said that it is “not for us to judge the results of his sacrifice.” And certainly a memorial to…
Category: Police
Uh, you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here?
“Party is over, guys….” Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to invite the neighborhood drug dealers to your place to watch the game. The guests staying for three days, sold drugs out of his living room, and bound and tortured the guy by pouring boiling water and pennies over his naked body. Boiling pennies?! Where do they think of…
In Defense of Huckabee
I like his Moxie. Seriously: “If he were a white kid from an upper middle class family he would have gotten a lawyer and some counseling,” Huckabee said. “But because he was a young black kid he got 108 years.” Huckabee said the sentence was “far disproportionate from any other punishment in Arkansas at the time for a similar crime.”
Maurice Clemmons shot dead
Good shooting. Good riddance. Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper has a good analysis: Clemmons, nursing a two-day old bullet wound to the stomach, having killed four cops already and facing at least life in prison, frantically searching for a way out of the state if not the country, and packing one of the dead officers’ sidearms, would have beyond…
Mayor Dixon Convicted of One Misdemeanor
She was acquitted of more serious charges. The jury deliberated 7 days. A bunch of stories in the Sun.
“Dupe” badges
Seems like everybody in the NYPD is doing it. And so what? The whole concept is strange to this former Baltimore police officer. So is the language. I had three real badges when I was cop. They give you one, for your shirt or jacket. You need to pay for others. One other you need, for the wallet. I also…
“This is the day I’ve been dreading for a long time”
And it’s the fault of the Republicans! Imagine the conservative anger if Maurice Clemmons–armed robber, child rapist, messianic apocalypse believer, bad neighbor, and now cop killer–had been been granted clemency by some Democraticgovernor! Some criminal-loving cop-hating commie Democrat politician. Maybe with proper mental health care this never would have happened. Clemmons is clearly a guy who needed to be confined…
Support for legal marijuana growing
Or so says the Washington Post. “Seriously,” said Bruce Merkin, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project, an advocacy group based in the District, “there is a reason you don’t have Mexican beer cartels planting fields of hops in the California forests.”
Four Police Officers Killed in Ambush
Holy Sh*t! Talk about an unwelcome back to the ol’ US of A. Guns, folks. Guns matter. I wonder if four police officers have ever been shot and killed in England. Ever. There was one police funeral in England when I was there, just two days ago. An officer who was killed when a flood-weakened bridge collapsed on him.