
Use of Force, eh?

A reader sent me this link: Here’s the news story. Abbotsford, by the way, has been labeled “the Murder Capital of Canada” [insert scary music here]. Abbotford, the Murder Captial of Canada,” has a homicide rate of 4.7 per 100,000. Abbotford, the Murder Captial of Canada, has a homicide rate lower than the U.S. homicide rate. Think about that. As…

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Why 911 is a Joke

I love any story about how f*cked up 911 is. This one at Pepper Spray Me is a good one. And here he reminds you why grammar is important.


Taser risks

According to one study, which claims to be the only somewhat large-scale study, the risk of serious injury from a Taser is 0.25% Now mind you the sample size (1,201) isn’t that large so there were only three cases of serious injury which makes the 0.25% figure a bit dodgy. But still. Let’s assume that is the case. That means…

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Speaking for the Defense?

I don’t talk much about the death penalty. It’s not my passion. On one hand I think it’s wrong to kill. On the other I have very little sympathy for those put to death (except for the innocent ones, ‘course). But get a load of this (found here): Regardless of what you think about the death penalty, regardless of whether…

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From Amsterdam: Lessons on controlling drugs

Hot off the virtual presses, here’s an article I wrote appearing in this coming Sunday’s Washington Post. I talk about the difference in policy and police attitudes toward drugs in Amsterdam and in the U.S.: In Amsterdam, the red-light district is the oldest and most notorious neighborhood. Two picturesque canals frame countless small pedestrian alleyways lined with legal prostitutes, bars,…

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The Curious Case of Barry McCaffrey

General Barry McCaffrey was the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (the “Drug Czar”) from 1996 to 2001. I can’t say much about his military career (1964-1996). I think it was just and honorable. He commanded a division in Operation Desert Storm and later the U.S. Southern Command. Wikipedia also says he created “the first Human Rights…

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18-Year-Old Charged With Murder in Death of Woman, 92

“I don’t care about sob stories, bad background, poverty — none of that. As an adult, you know the difference between right and wrong. You have a choice and he made the wrong choice.” Well said. Too bad it’s from the daughter of an 82-year-old woman shot and killed.


Me and Lou Dobbs

I was on Lou Dobbs today. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I love immigrants. You can read more (and see the video) here.


The Open Case

If you like my blog (and why would you be reading this if you don’t?), you’ll love The Open Case. Not only are all my posts mirrored there, but they have other good stuff as well. It’s like Cop in the Hood, but more. Check it out.