
What’s Eating the NYPD?

New York Magazine has a very good article by Chris Smith on Ray Kelley and the current state of the NYPD: Whenever Kelly leaves One Police Plaza — most likely in January 2014, when a newly elected mayor replaces Michael Bloomberg — he will be rightly celebrated as the greatest police commissioner in the city’s history. Crime, overall, is down…

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Ozzie and Me and Fidel Makes Three

When the P.C. Police come knocking (and I’m not talking about “probable cause”), they usually come from the left. But not always. In Ozzie Guillen’s case, the Politically Correct Police are coming from the right. Such is life in Florida, particularly Cuban southern Florida. Baseball manager Guillen was quoted as saying (in Spanish, I believe): I love Fidel Castro… I…

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Moving beyond prohibition

Three months ago, I became president of Guatemala. And contrary to the good fortunes enjoyed by [Drug Lord “Chapo”] Guzman, I found that the justice and security systems were not what they had been 20 years earlier. Which led me to ask myself these questions: isn’t it true that we have been fighting the war on drugs these past two…

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Not only in Baltimore

Despite what some citizens of Baltimore think, kids zooming around on dirt bikes and 4-wheeled ATVs are nota natural rite of spring. But it turns out it’s not just Baltimore. It’s also all the rage in Philadelphia. And police are handcuffed to do anything about it. So it goes on. I’m quoted in this article by Dana DiFilippo.


“Only in Baltimore”?

That’s not true. But this kind of thing does seem to happen all too often in Mob City. Justin Fenton writes in the Sun: At first, the video of a man being beaten and stripped in downtown Baltimore appeared to be just another tantalizing shock clip for the Internet. But in recent days, thanks to social media users as far…

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Protesting Black-on-Black Violence

I’ve written (sarcastically) how nice it is that in the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin, some conservatives are suddenly very concerned about black-on-black violence. The actual voiced argument goes that blacks (and liberals) only care about black-on-black violence when it comes at the hands of a white person. Of course that’s not true. Just because you refuse to…

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Bad Cuts

Shame on NBC for selectively editing the 911 call Zimmerman made.


No Excuse for Shooting

Can we please stop using being teased and bullied, no matter how bad, as an excuse to kill yourself or others? I can’t help but wonder if there’s a link between the criminalization of bullying, a culture (on the left andthe right) that embraces victimhood (not to mention guns), and mass shootings. If you are going to kill, can’t you…

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California Prison Release

Off to bumpy start, says the LA Times: Many of the ex-criminals are not showing up for counseling appointments, some care centers are not being paid and county bureaucrats are scrambling to correct foul-ups that have caused delays. … In the six months since, about a quarter of the probationers have been arrested for allegedly committing new crimes, which is…

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Australian foreign minister call for drug decriminalization

From the Telegraph: Bob Carr, Australia’s foreign minister, whose brother died after a heroin overdose, has urged the decriminalisation of low-level drug use, after a report concluded the war on the scourge was lost. His comments were at odds with Julia Gillard, the Australian prime minister, who said tough policing was the answer while the government’s chief law officer expressed…

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