
A well worn Maglite

“My God,” I said on seeing this over the weekend, “how many people you hit with that thing?” “A bunch!” He reckoned he picked up this baby in 1985. It got twenty years of service after that. When I was police, this gentle and soft-spoken man had been a cop longer than I’d been alive. And over it his home…

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Where your tax money goes

This has been making its rounds on blog (I got it from Ta-Nehisi but the original source is The Third Way.) So if you want to balance the budget without raising taxes, where would you start? If wikipedia happens to be factually correct at this moment, we’re spending more on mandatory programs than we get it total revenue. In other…

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Any thoughts on Radley Balco’s post?: So yeah. Tyranny. If there’s more tyrannical power a president could possibly claim than the power to execute the citizens of his country at his sole discretion, with no oversight, no due process, and no ability for anyone to question the execution even after the fact . . . I can’t think of it.


Prop 19

Here’s Neill Franklin, executive director of LEAP. He’s also my former commanding officer, friend (though not when he was my former commander), and co-author.


Gladwell on Strong and Weak Ties

I’ve written: It’s to our shame as [academic] writers that the average Malcolm Gladwell New Yorker piece is more thought provoking than 95 percent of journal articles. If we can’t explain ourselves to others in a style both illuminating and interesting, we won’t and don’t deserve to be taken seriously. Here’s that kind of article. Gladwell talks about strong a…

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Looking back from the future

“Whether a country that was truly free would criminalize recreational drug use is a related question worth pondering,” says Princeton professor Kwame Anthony Appiah in the Washington Post. Thinking of that, Pete Guitherobserves: I think it’s clear that the drug war is one of those travesties that will be reviled in some way by future generations. How is uncertain. Will…

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A fresh start with a new State’s Attorney?

People normally don’t get very excited over the elections of a State’s Attorney. But the recent election lose of Patricia Jessamy (and victory for Gregg Bernstein) is the most exiting crime-fighting development in Baltimore in many years. Peter Hermann has a good story in the Sunabout the potential for corporation between police and prosecutors. In my last poston this, people…

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DMV with barbed wire and guns

There are really two philosophies in running prisons. Some wardens and officers feel that the sentence is the punishment, not the way they treat them, and that they should treat the inmates as human beings, and that they have a future, and that they need to be prepared to return to the community. These wardens take the word ‘correction’ seriously.…

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Race and Ethnicity in cities

Cool maps! And interesting data presentation that shows the detailed racial and ethnic make-up of various cities broken down by very small units.