
Ron Smith show

Today. Tuesday. 5pm Eastern Time. Baltimore’s WBAL, AM 1090. Listen live.


Legal drug shakedown

NPR has a good story about law enforcement agencies seizing drug assets. It can pay for itself. The kicker is this: police prefer to come in after the drugs have been sold because it’s better for police to seize the money rather than the drugs. If police seize the drugs, the drugs are destroyed. If police seize the money from…

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The failure of Section 8 housing

Ta-Nehisi Coates has an interesting post about the Failure of Section 8 Housing. I wrote a comment as well. [Here’s a linkto the Atlanticarticle that started this discussion.]


$20 for a cigarette

In England, the Daily Express reports that drug dealers are getting arrested on purposeso they can make more money by selling drugs in jail. A few years ago they banned cigarettes and smoking in Rikers Island (NYC’s jail). Now a single cigarette sells for about $20. For one tobacco cigarette. More often than not, these cigarettes come from correctional officers…

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Officer Pete says (rule 5):

When I ask you where you live, give me a proper address with a street and a number. Don’t just say, “around the corner.”


The path to drug regulation?

I had a thought about your book. This is not a criticism but something I was left wanting when I finished. Someone, somewhere, (and I nominate you) needs to articulate at length a pathway from the current environment towards what decriminalization/legalization would look like. If there’s one out there it’s not widely known. I think there’s a lot more enthusiasm…

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Drug Raid Death Not Guilty

Same old same old: Cops bust down door. Drug dealer wakes up and thinks he’s being attacked by criminals. Drug dealer shits his pants. Drug dealer fires off four rounds. Somebody innocent dies, this time a hard-working police officer. A sergeant pointed out this story to me. He writes: “Yea, it’s Canada, but it’s not too much a stretch to…

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Back on the Ron Smith show

It looks like I’ll be back on WBAL’s Ron Smith Show Tuesday, June 17, 5pm. AM 1090 in Baltimore. If you’re not in Balto, you can stream the show online.


Legal drugs kill more people than illegal drugs

Damien Cave writes a very interesting story in the New York Times. In Florida, which is apparently the only state that keeps good track of these things, the rate of deaths caused by prescription drugs is three times the rate of deaths caused by all illicit drugs combined. Out of 168,900 deaths statewide, legal opioids (such as Vicodin and OxyContin)…

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