
A sociology dissertation thesis?

Feel free to steal this idea: For centuries, the Netherlands has tried to “normalize” their society. While it may have worked in the past, today “normalization” is killing Amsterdam. What makes Amsterdam great and unique, is that it isn’t a “normal” city. In Holland, they have a different idea of democracy. The mayor of Amsterdam isn’t even an elected position.…

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Hate mail (2.2)

This conversation starts a few posts down. Here’s the latest: I have read excerpts from your “book” and frankly sir, “YOU HAVE NOT PAID ENOUGH DUES TO BE CONVERSANT IN POLICE WORK”. I think that your PHD impresses only you. It certainly does not impress me. As a Sgt, I had College grads working for me ( I am not…

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Another Taser death

A good man I know only from the comments section of blogs (I really need to get a life… but I likewriting about this things), send me this link. He’s right, I don’t like Tasers. He notes: “Firstly, we don’t call it non-lethal but less lethal. Second, the cops asked him to stop and he had bouncer help too.” I…

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Fan mail

A friend and former student of mine (and mid-to-high-ranking officer in the NYPD) wrote me this: I picked up your book at Barnes and Noble on W. 18th Street last Wednesday. Congratulations! Just started reading and it is enjoyable already. You’re the best author I know (and only author I know, we cops are not known to hang in literary…

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“Bad” part of town

In Amsterdam, it can take a somewhat trained eye to even know you’re in the “bad” part of town. First, there’s the immigrant issue. Actually the issue is more with the children (the male children) of immigrants. Immigrants, and not just illegal immigrants, are considered a problem here and in most of Western Europe. Citizens of Moroccan decent take most…

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These drug dealers aren’t so bad

In the Netherlands, you can walk into any “coffee shop” and legally buy or smoke marijuana or hashish. It’s a sight so common, you barely notice it. So here, in a “bad” part of town, are the drug dealers. They don’t shoot each other. They pay taxes–albeit not on the sale, which is technically only “decriminalized,” but they do pay…

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No joint smoking

It’s my Spring Break and I’m in Amsterdam doing police research (and visiting friends). Biking with my brother today, I passed this sign. This is what you can do if you regulate drugs. This sign was put up because it’s an “area deserving special attention” (or something like that). In Amsterdam, this is considered a “bad” part of town. It’s…

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Hate mail (2.1)

Here’s another. Once again, I can’t take criticism too seriously from people who haven’t read my book. I haven’t yet heard anything bad from anybody who has actually read my book. But I’m sure that will come, too. In the meantime: While I have not read your book, and don’t intend to I have a question for you. How do…

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Hate mail (1)

I’m amazed that the mere thought of my book would get people so riled up that they would write me. It’s hard to take criticism of my book seriously from people who haven’t read my book. But here’s the first email: Mr. Moskos, three years. Count them (3) years!! Wow! How in the world did you stand being on that…

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