
Flogging on CNN

I’ll be on CNN, Sunday, from 7:30 to 7:35pm (Eastern Time) with Drew Griffin. I get to sport the suit I got made for me in Thailand. I’ll probably even wear a tie. If you miss the broadcast, don’t worry, you’ll be able to see the same suit again the next time I’m on TV.


“You Rascal”

I like when Clarance Page calls me a “rascal”! He writes in the Chicago Tribune: When Peter Moskos’ new book landed on my desk, I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a treatise on crime and punishment or some sort of kinky sex manual. Its title: “In Defense of Flogging.” You rascal, I thought. Moskos, a former Baltimore…

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A Barbaric Hoax?

Mansfield Frazier write in The Daily Beast: At first glace, the title of Peter Moskos’ new book, In Defense of Flogging, strikes you as a barbaric hoax being perpetrated by some sort of right-wing ideologue or kook. In fact, it initially appears to be an idea so outrageous, so provocative, as to not even rate a second thought; something to…

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“Don’t laugh: He makes a convincing case”

In Defense of Flogging reviewed (favorably!) in Bloombergand today’s S.F. Chronicle. They “get it”: And at just over 150 pages of clear, smart and highly readable prose, Moskos’s sharp little volume has a potential audience far beyond the experts who dutifully slog through most tomes like this. It’s the kind of item that could be stacked next to a bookstore’s…

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“Ethnographic Chutzpah”

Horn tooting time. Just two-and-a-half years after the publication of Cop in the Hood, (the academic world can move at a glacial pace) the American Journal of Sociology reviewed Cop in the Hood. Well worth the wait, I’d say, as the review by Profesor Andrew Papachristos is very favorable: “Ethographic chutzpah…. Perhaps the best sociological account on what it means…

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Enlightening and Authoritative

It’s not too late to read my book. Don’t take my word for it. Take Sean O’Donnell’s of the Baltimore Republican Examiner: For anyone interested is what being a police officer in Baltimore City is really like, Peter Moskos’ in-depth, academic, and realist account inCop in the Hood is a must-read…. Whether one agrees or not with Moskos’ opinion on…

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Talking Traffic

Streetsblog New York did an interview with me about police and traffic enforcement. It’s a good interview, even if “Talking Traffic with Peter Moskos” sounds like the world’s worst Sunday morning AM radio show.


Maryland Morning

Along with Neill Franklin, I’ll be broadcast on Baltimore’s “Maryland Morning” tomorrow (Friday) at 9:05am (Eastern Time). In Charm City WYPR is 88.1 FM. Or you can listen to live streaming here.


So You’re Going to be on TV?

Today was my third time on TV. I loveradio interviews. TV? I’m still not comfortable with it. Radio is kind of like real life. TV is a bizarre and totally different creature. In case you’re going on TV, here are a few things I wish somebody had told me before my first time. 1) Make sure you’re going to be…

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