I always leave Baltimore loving it more than ever. This time was no exception. Except I was really wet. Man did it rain. A shame, considering the Book Fest was outdoors. Yeah, they had tents. But it was wet. Man did it rain. I got in on Friday night and went out drinking with my Palin-loving friends. Saturday I had…
Tag: good press
Baltimore appearances this weekend
To everyone in Baltimore, I’m heading down there this weekend for a variety of on Saturday appearances. First at the Highlandtown Library, then at the Book Festival. For details, look at the “upcoming events” listed in the right column. Then come say hi.
Interview reschedule
If any of you were planning on hearing me on the Phil Hendrie Show tonight, it’s been rescheduled for next Tuesday night, 1:30AM (eastern time). Something about breaking news. I bet it’s not the shootings in Harlem.
Cops and dealers (and The Wire)
Dolan Cummings of Culture Wars has written the best review of my book. I don’t mean the most positive review (though I’m very glad he liked my book); I mean the best written review. They sure writes good with that there English language in England. Along with being the first to juxtapose me, Venkatesh, Homicide, and The Wire (which is…
“I do miss working with people willing to risk their lives for me”
There’s another profile of me, this time in the Financial Times of London. Like the Wall Street Journal, this is another big conservative economic paper I don’t read. Hopefully it will have some of the same impact as the Wall Street Journal review, which has been by far the best publicity to date. It’s funny to read an “as told…
Prop Joe? He Dead.
That’s a Wirereference, if you don’t know. There’s a short Q & A about me in Vanity Fair titled “The Ivy Leaguer Who Took on Prop Joe.” The art cracks me up: While ace writer Jordan “slugger” Heller’s text makes me sound so rough and blue-collar, the art just captures my naturally effeminate and pompous persona perfectly. Hmmm, yes, indeed,…
CUNY Podcast
Enjoy CUNY radio’s podcast interview of me. “Book Beat.” What a good name for a show that features a book about police. (CUNY, pronounced Quny, stands for the City University of New York, of which John Jay College is a part)
Good stuff!
I received this email a while back from a Baltimore Cop who transferred elsewhere. I’m protected his identity (of course) by blocking out a few details with ****. (By the way, I think the “proper” spelling of “screet” is with a K, but that’s a minor issue.) This is good stuff. perhaps even better than my book: Much like a…
Ed Norris Show
I’ll be on the Ed Norris show (via phone) tomorrow (Tuesday) 5pm. Listen in.
Incisive and intelligent account of police work “in the hood”
Here’s an excellent review from Professor Arnold Ages published in the Jewish Post & Opinion. This is what the industry calls “a sleeper book.” There is no doubt that it will soon be auctioned off as a film script. Peter Moskos, a professor at the City University of New York, researched his Harvard Ph.D. dissertation in a most unusual way:…