
From the Economist

This is from the Economist: Thursday I’M STANDING on a street lined with boarded-up shops—a popular haven for drug-dealers. A police officer is frisking a suspect whose trousers are nearly around his knees. The policeman didn’t pull them down; that’s how the suspect wears them. A bit impractical, perhaps, if his line of work requires him to run away from…

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Fan mail

A friend and former student of mine (and mid-to-high-ranking officer in the NYPD) wrote me this: I picked up your book at Barnes and Noble on W. 18th Street last Wednesday. Congratulations! Just started reading and it is enjoyable already. You’re the best author I know (and only author I know, we cops are not known to hang in literary…

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In the Economist

I’m quoted prominently in an excellent article about Baltimore in the current Economist. But it’s a real shame he didn’t plug my book (Cop in the Hood). Or my school (John Jay College of Criminal Justice). But it is still a very good article. A big problem for the police (and more so for respectable ghetto residents) is the unfortunate…

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Tar and feathers?

One of my fears is that my book won’t be well received by my cop friends in Baltimore. I’m proud of the book. And I think it’s pro-police because it shows the shit we had to deal with. Good workers in a bad system. But I’m always been afraid that cops wouldn’t like it because it’s not 100% pro-police. I…

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Good Press in the Atlantic Monthly

I was on the subway today, reading the Atlantic Monthly(or is it just The Atlantic?… no matter, it’s my favorite magazine…. with the New Yorkerplacing a close second and the Economistto show). I see a book review for Judith Herrin’s Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire. I like Professor Herrin. I took a class from her in Byzantine…

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I [heart] foot patrol

The smart folks at Marginal Revolution mentioned my book again. There’s nothing I like talking about more than foot patrol. The following are taken mostly from a comment I wrote to this post. The Kansas City Preventative Patrol experiment is the most amazingly ignored police study ever. For police and crime prevention, it’s one of the few scientific studies ever…

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Well meaning, Balto is

My thanks to Marni Soupcoff of the (Canadian) National Post for her kind words about my blog. She’s right, the real purpose of this blog is to get people to buy my book, Cop in the Hood. And she did! So thanks, Marni. Hopefully the weak dollar will inspire many others up north to buy a copy as well. I…

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Marginal Revolution

Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen, the people behind Marginal Revolution, a respected and well read blog, have been very kind to me (or at least very kind to my book). Tyler Cowen posted about my book and the Amazon pre-sales rank got a big boost (not that I check these things, of course).