
What I’m Reading: Gun Guys

Gun Guysby Dan Baum. So far so good. Especially if you don’t understand gun guys. Or if you are a gun guy but don’t like the NRA. I’ve written about Baumbefore. Truth be told, I know the guy. Truth be told, sometimes when he’s in town he lets himself into my house and eats my food. But none of that…

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Understanding the NRA World View: The Media is the Problem.

I listened to the NRA press conference with interest. It was strangely moderate, by NRA standards. Your opinion of what was said probably comes down to whether you want to live in a more armed or less armed society. I prefer less. That said, I’m happy to have students with guns in my school. I feel safer (actually, I don’t…

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Gun Rights? “Your Side Won”

I’ve said it before: “Barring some seismic realignment in this country, the gun control debate is all but settled–and your side won. The occasional horrific civilian massacre is just the price the rest of us have to pay.” And then there’s this gem of a cartoon.


Only if it can kill

“The absurdity of banning squirt guns but not being able to do anything about real guns is patently obvious.” Indeed that is absurd.


Seven die in California shooting

The BBC reports. And my response is once again to re-post a cartoon: But relax! Your paranoid political fantasies notwithstanding, no one’s going to take your guns away! … Barring some seismic realignment in this country, the gun control debate is all but settled–and your side won. The occasional horrific civilian massacre is just the price the rest of us…

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Don’t say you were not warned

In Indiana, you can now “stand your ground” against police. It would be ironic if this marked the end of police busting down people’s doors to find some drugs. Then the NRA might actually be defending liberty. But I suspect it’s just going to escalate matters. Yes, at least in Indiana, you can kill a cop… but only as long…

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Collins to NRA: “Leave Us Alone”

Gail Collin on gun control: Personally, I’m worn down from arguing. Florida, follow your own star. Arizona, arm your kindergarteners. Just stop trying to impose your values on places where the thinking is dramatically different. Really, just leave us alone. If you don’t like our rules, don’t come here. Is that too much to ask? The problem, of course, is…

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Show me the blood?

Video of Zimmerman entered the police station has been released. I don’t see any blood. I don’t see any grass stains. I don’t see anybody who looks faintly like they were on the loosing end of a fight. The clothes look neat and unripped and he’s walking well. I don’t see how it coincides with the police report. All that…

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Burglary, Guns, and the UK

One of the thing 2nd-Amendment advocates love pointing out is the England has a much higher burglary rate than the US. Best I can tell this is due the mostly to the publications of one professor. The subtext (or main text) of the more guns equals fewer burglaries argument, of course, is that if the government restricts guns (the U.K.…

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