
Bang bang, they hit the ground

Baltimore Crime turned me on to this: Spotcrime maps every shooting in Baltimore (City and County) for 2008. Hit ‘start’ at the top left. Whether you want Turning of the sound to hear the bang bangs is up to you. At the time of this writing, I’m still only in October. I can’t tell if this is sick or genius.…

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Murder Factory

Now here’s some good investigating journalism from Tony Rizzo and the Kansas City Star. Local zip code 64130 is featured in a series called “Murder Factory.” These eight square miles were home to 101 convicted murderers incarcerated in Missouri prisons.


No Sh*t

The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports: “New Orleans breeds bold killers: half of murders occur in daytime.” Duh. Three ace reporters have bylines on this story. Didn’t it occur to one of them to compare their stats with other cities? They report: “About half of last year’s 179 murders in New Orleans occurred in daylight,” which is defined as between 6am…

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Baltimore To End Year With Fewest Murders In Two Decades

Justin Fenton writes in the Sun. This is great news. But one thing is very curious: The city’s Western District, for example, where nearly 90 people were killed in 1992, recorded 23 homicides in 2008. It has not recorded fewer than 32 homicides in a year since at least 1970. But the Western District is also emblematic of the past…

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Baltiore homicide by the numbers

Back in January, the Baltimore City Paper published a good simple analysis of homicide numbers in 2007. I was just looking at it again. As we all know, violence is not equally spread out in society. It may not be politically correct to talk about race and violence, but homicide in America is disproportionately a problem of black-on-black young male…

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Homicides down in Baltimore

At least for the first three months of 2008. Hopefully it will last. Here’s the Sun’s story by John Fritze and Sara Neufeld. There’s a nice Sun news graphic in the story. It’s rarely mentioned that what looks like a steady decline in homicides in the 1990s correlates pretty well with the decline in the city’s population. So while the…

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Shooting in White and Black

The Sun has an excellent interactive graphic that can display all the year’s homicide victims. You can select for different variables, so it’s fun to play with (if you’re a nerdy academic). One of the depressing things about homicide is the racial breakdown. Breaking violent crime down by race doesn’t get much press, probably because it treads on incredibly un-politically…

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