
Immigrants and Violence

In my gut I know that immigrants make neighborhoods safer (at least in this country). I also happen to live in and love a county where 46% of everybody is born in another country. That figure always amazes me… and when you consider the kids of immigrant parents, well, there’s just not too much else left. I get kind of…

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Welcome to America

How can our immigration policy be so idiotic and restrictive? I’m not talking about open borders with the third world, but the smartand richpeople who innovate, start businesses, and are needed by our economy. Why do we keep them out? “’We are watching the decline and fall of the United States as an economic power — not hypothetically, but as…

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A story of 6 immigrants

I hate anti-immigrant people. Really. And I don’t hate easily. No, we’re not full. Just think of all the depopulated cities in this country. Those are the places that need people: Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, Camden, South Dakota. The list goes on and on. The very least we could bring these places back up sustainable and healthy population from the…

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The harms of immigration enforcement

There’s a very interesting article in the New York Times today about how federal prosecution of immigration crimes is taking away from other prosecutions… like gun trafficking, organized crime, drug dealing, and white collar crime. That’s not good law enforcement. A senior federal prosecutor who has worked on a wide variety of cases along the border said that the focus…

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Police departments don’t enforce immigration laws

Good. “Despite a nationwide clamor against illegal immigration, only 55 of more than 18,000 police and law enforcement agencies across the country have signed agreements to coordinate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” The whole story is here.