
Flogging yes… but the horsewhip?

From a comment to my article in the Chronicle of Higher Education: I think that the editors of the Chronicle and the people at John Jay who hired this thug should be taken out and horsewhipped. Luckily, the woman responsible for hiring this thug stands by me. In more mistaken criticism, somebody from the absurd we-have-2.3-million-prisoners-because-we-have-more-freedom camp says: Moskos’s argument…

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Flogging Momentum

My piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education seemed to make a splash. There’s also a piece out in the Washington Monthly (not yet available online… but why not subscribe?). I haven’t seen it yet. I mean, I’ve seen it. I wrote it…. But I haven’t seen it in print. Most people seem to be responding to the book correctly:…

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An Easter Flogging

The first article to come from my new book is out in the Chronicle of Higher Education. A crazy idea came from a dinner in New Orleans. I had cold-called (or whatever the e-mail equivalent is) a writer and his wife because I was a fan of his work and thought we had much in common. They were gracious enough…

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In Defense of Flogging, the Website

Just what you’ve been waiting for, I’m sure! But seriously, the good people at Basic Books were kind enough to make me a website. Here it is, live and online. I’m sitting in Newark Airport, heading to Mexico City for a week’s vacation. Don’t expect much here till I’m back.


Liking a Defense of Flogging

The first review of In Defense of Flogging is out today. It’s always a bit nerve racking when you click on that first review. But it’s favorable. Phew! Though I view descriptive/neutral-plus as favorable for a book like this. It’s hard to gush over a book called In Defense of Flogging, lest others start wondering if you got “something you…

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Looking Good…

I got the design for the book cover for In Defense of Flogging. That’s always kind of an exciting moment. I like it. And the front and back flaps: The book will be out June 1. You can pre-order on Amazon, if you’re so inclined.


A Sociologist’s Response To Anthropology

I have a short article in the journal PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review. “Policing: A Sociologist’s Response to an Anthropological Account.” You can read the PDF here. I love reading other people’s summary of my work. This is from the issue’s introduction: In his commentary on Karpiak’s article, sociologist and criminologist Peter Moskos praises Karpiak for presenting an (in…

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