
I didn’t know…

“…marijuana use is associated with voluntary treatment admissions for addiction, fatal drugged driving accidents, mental illness and emergency room admissions.” So says Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske. Come to think of it, so is life. There’s more on Pete Guither’s blog. Regardless, thanks God we’re still safe from this reefer madness. I don’t think marijuana makes you crazy. But I’m started…

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What do we do with all that weed?

Explain this to me: In the past few weeks about 155 tonsof marijuana has been stopped from coming in from Mexico. Numbers of that magnitude tend to numb. I have no idea what 155 tons means. So I did some figuring. 155 tons is about 1,500 big men (or 3,000 very petite women). It’s about 1.3 times what the space…

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War on Drug Continues

It didn’t surprise me that Prop 19 lost. I’m still amazed that it did so well and was taken so seriously. A lot of progress has been made over the past 10 years. I suppose only history will tell if we’ll look back on this as the high point (there was really no pun intended when I first wrote that)…

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Smoke and Horrors

Charles Blow of the New York Times write about drugs (and yes, that is his real name), specifically about the racial disparity in marijuana arrests. Some people just don’t seem to care, but it seems to be a fundamental issue about fairness in justice. Whites and blacks smoke weed at nearly similar rates (actually whites smoke more), and yet blacks…

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