Tag: misc
Historical Memory
National Public Radio just announced the death of some guy who was known for helping fund, “freedom fighters in Afghanistan fight the Soviet Union.” And then, without any further talk, segued right into a story about the dangers of the Taliban’s links to Al Qaeda. Oh, the irony! [For those who don’t get it, those guys that Reagan called “freedom…
The Baltimore Colts
I’m not a football fan. Baseball is my game. But I enjoyed watching the game last night and rooting for the Saints (and my wife won $140 in the betting pool–of which I made off with $50 since I paid for her squares). I was rooting for the Saints because if I don’t have a personal stake: 1) I root…
Less is Less
I didn’t post for over a month and guess what? I kind of liked it. So here’s my plan: less posting. Maybe once or twice a week. We’ll see how it goes. If you need daily fixes of police news (and granted I still do), I urge you to look at all the links on the right side of this…
Drink This
LEO beer.
Q & A
A while back I was asked to do a little Q & A by Jeanette over at Cat5 Commerce. She puts together original content for such sites as BDU.com, Tactical.com and my own personal favorite, TacticalPants.com. She asked me so nicely (nothing like the combination of politeness, a personal non-form letter, and flattery) I couldn’t say no. And no, I…
Being a professor is a better job
“Most days I don’t miss being a cop; being a professor is a better job.” And so begins the thrilling story of Cop in the Hood. Providing further evidence in support of this hypothesis, I’ll be on vacation for the next three weeks in Thailand and Bali. Happy New Year! And of all nights to stay safe, tonight is the…
Merry Christmas
Especially to those men and women working.
Stocking stuffers of the century!
And the century has just barely begun. How come nobody is buying Cop in the Hood for Christmas? My Amazon sales rank is rapidly approaching infinity. Not good. Last I checked, more than 200,000 book were selling better than my book. That’s a lot of books being bought that aren’t mine. I can’t think of a better present in the…
I’m not too hard to reach. But if you’re going to prank call me, please be sober enough so I can understand you! The only really strange thing is that the caller ID comes back as a not-in-service number: (212) 237-2546. I’m not quite certain how you do that… Here’s the transcription, best I figure out: Caller: [garbled] Please leave…