The problems with security that used biometric data (like fingerprints) are 1) we have too much faith in it, and 2) it doesn’t “fail” well. If you lose your driver’s license, you get a new one. What do you do if somebody steals your fingerprint? Here’s a case from Japan of fingerprint alteration.
Tag: misc
‘Ello Leeds!
Happy Thanksgiving. No holiday here in England. I’m here in Leeds for a conference on The Wire. Good stuff. I gave a speech this morning. Now it’s the evening and I’m hankering for a pint.
Just because you’re paranoid…
…doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. The FBI spent 45 years keeping files on Chicago writer and journalist Studs Terkel. And to think this agent provocateur went unwatched for the last 18 years of his life!
Eminent Domain
After winning one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in my lifetime, Pfizer is pulling out of New London, Conn. They’re leaving a vacant lot where they worked hard to destroy a neighborhood. Of course it’s not just Pfizer’s fault. Who knows what shady deals got the local city officials behind it? The court decision, Kelo v. New London, said…
CIA agents convicted in Italy of kidnapping
The story in the NYT.
Happy Oχι Day!
It’s a Greek thing.
The Open Case
If you like my blog (and why would you be reading this if you don’t?), you’ll love The Open Case. Not only are all my posts mirrored there, but they have other good stuff as well. It’s like Cop in the Hood, but more. Check it out.
Sell Crack. Sue the City for Police Harrassment.
That seemed to be the recipe. The story by Patrice O’Shaughnessy in the NY Daily News.
Best Cookbook Ever
Seriously. My wife’s cookbook is officially out today. Co-authored with Tamara Reynolds. Forking F-ing Fantastic!Go buy it. Seriously. Come on… I don’t ask much of you.
John Jay College pretty much closes for nothing (Jewish holidays excepted). We’ve never had a snow day since I’ve been there. I’m not even certain if classes were canceled on Sept 11, 2001. So this came as a major surprise. Classes in North Hall are canceled. Luckily, I rarely enter North Hall. My classes continue as scheduled. Bedbug are a…