
What you learn on the job

I compiled a little top ten lost of things police learn on the job. You can see it at Criminal Justice Programs.com. Peter Moskos is a former police officer and author of the popular law enforcement blog, Cop in the Hood (www.copinthehood.com). He is currently a professor of law and police science at New York’s John Jay College of Criminal…

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You can’t make this stuff up

One of the funnier (at least if you’re a cop) police reports you will ever read. [I’m warning you, it’s not suitable for kids] The report is here and a story about it is here. (By the way, despite what the story claims, I’m sure the actual line has been in many police reports.)


Police Office Saves Life

This is a headline you don’t see enough and should see more. Here’s a BBC video from Madrid that is pretty great. Sure, everybody can wave all they want. But it takes a cop, an off-duty cop in this case, to jump on the tracks and actually do the right thing. [p.s. Why do trains in Madrid drive on the…

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Seven Shots

I read this book by Jennifer Hunt. I loved this book. I’ll tell you more about this book… but only when I’m done writing mybook. On July 31, 1997, a six-man Emergency Service team from the NYPD raided a terrorist cell in Brooklyn and narrowly prevented a suicide bombing of the New York subway that would have cost hundreds, possibly…

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A well worn Maglite

“My God,” I said on seeing this over the weekend, “how many people you hit with that thing?” “A bunch!” He reckoned he picked up this baby in 1985. It got twenty years of service after that. When I was police, this gentle and soft-spoken man had been a cop longer than I’d been alive. And over it his home…

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A Slow Work Day at the FBI

The FBI has slow work days? I kind of hoped they were pretty busy. But I guess we all have slow work days. But when I have a slow work day I like to listen to a Cubs game or write blog posts or play pinball. But when the FBI has a slow work day… well the the Justice Department’s…

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College-Educated Cops

I had a BA and all the requirements of a Masters’ Degree when I was a Baltimore cop. And now I teach some NYPD and many students who want to be police officers. So I am a bit partial to the idea that college is good for everybody, cops included (or else what am I doing in my school office…

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Inner-Harbor Cop Fired

This is the officer (not “man” or “dude”) who got pissed at a young white skateboarder. Peter Hermann reports: Last month, a three-member police panel called a trial board held a hearing and found Rivieri, a 19-year veteran, guilty of failing to issue the youth a citizen contact receipt and failing to file a report, but not guilty of using…

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Like Father Like Son?

It’s yesterday’s news that Adrian Schoolcraft is suing New York and the NYPD for $50 million. It turns out, amazingly, that this isn’t the first Schoolcraft vs. P.D. lawsuit. No, it’s not the first. It’s not even the second. Turns out that Adrian’s father, Larry Schoolcraft, was also a police officer. In Fort Worth, Texas, I believe (though the Village…

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