
What Muslims Wear

My wife sent me this: Muslims Wearing Things. She would also like to point out if Muslims were going to crash Juan William’s plane, they probably wouldn’t be dressed in conservative Muslim garb. That should make Juan a little more relaxed next time he’s in an airport. Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s crazy that NPR fired Williams…

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Where your tax money goes

This has been making its rounds on blog (I got it from Ta-Nehisi but the original source is The Third Way.) So if you want to balance the budget without raising taxes, where would you start? If wikipedia happens to be factually correct at this moment, we’re spending more on mandatory programs than we get it total revenue. In other…

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Any thoughts on Radley Balco’s post?: So yeah. Tyranny. If there’s more tyrannical power a president could possibly claim than the power to execute the citizens of his country at his sole discretion, with no oversight, no due process, and no ability for anyone to question the execution even after the fact . . . I can’t think of it.


Bernstein defeats Jessamy!

Jessamy may finally be on the way out as Baltimore City State’s Attorney. And good riddance to her! If these results hold, it’s good news for police and good new for Baltimore. Do I know anything about Berstein? No. Nothing than the fact he’s not Jessamy, who has been at the post since 1995. And while it wouldn’t be fair…

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Our Evening Constitional Past the Mosque

We went on a “hidden harbor” tour Tuesday evening that went through NY Harbor and down to Port Elizabeth (by Newark Airport). Industrial decay… working harbor… good stuff! It was a beautiful evening. But as a harbor, compared to Rotterdam, it looks like Single-A. The guide said the biggest six harbors in the world are now all in China.  …

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Not Ground Zero Mosque

I wasn’t going to post on this… perhaps other than to say it’s absurd that we’re debating the right of a people in our country to build a house of worship. It’s kind of like debating legal segregation. Haven’t we moved past this a long time ago? (Or not so long ago in the case of racial segregation.) I don’t…

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The New Republican Bill of Freedom

With all this talk of changing the constitution for this and that (and yes, it’s strange that supposedly anti-big-government politicians always want to violate the explicit purpose of the constitution that protects the rights of citizens from big government), I’ve never quite understood the ultimately vision of conservative Republicans. What do they actually want? What if they weren’t restricted by…

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On the night train, with Charles Rangel

It bothers me a bit when people (politicians included) blame politicians and “Washington” for our nation’s woes. Or when politicians encourage cynicism and promote the idea that running our country doesn’t take any special skill set or intelligence. Given his troubles, I thought I’d repost an edited version of something I wrote about my chance meeting with Charles Rangel in…

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Checks and Balances

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Senate said, “Liberal or conservative, we’re not going to approve any Supreme Court justice that won’t tell us his or her position on issues”? The Senate is not supposed to be a rubber stamp. The founding fathers had no stated opinions on many current issues. Semi-automatic handguns didn’t exist when they wrote the 2nd…

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Right-Wing Lies: The welfare of Larmondo “Flair” Allen

Am I really the only person who is skeptical enough to check the basic truth of emails before forwarding them to my 140 closest friends? I mean, it doesn’t take too long to go to Snopes The thing about mass-forwarded right-wing emails is that they are almost always never true. They’re like the headlines in the supermarket tabloid Weekly World…

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