
Plane Scares New York City

Here’s a dumb recipe for a photo-op: take one 747, fly it low around Manhattan, circle around a bit, and follow it with two F-16 fighters. Who was the idiot that thought of this brilliant idea? This is pretty inexcusable. And it sure better not turn up in an “Obama 2012” campaign ad. The Police Department acknowledged that it had…

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Does Torture Work?

Two questions: 1) Does torture work? See FBI agent Ali Soufan’s column in the New York Times. 2) Does it matter if it works?


Cell phone jamming

As President Obama’s motorcade rolled down Pennsylvania Avenue on Inauguration Day, federal authorities deployed a closely held law enforcement tool: equipment that can jam cellphones and other wireless devices to foil remote-controlled bombs, sources said. It is an increasingly common technology, with federal agencies expanding its use as state and local agencies are pushing for permission to do the same.…

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Balancing Security and Liberty

Occasionally I will repost op-eds of mine to give them fresh life and allow people to comment. The following was published in theWashington Post, August 2, 2004. You can read all my op-eds here. When you board a plane, both you and your carry-on bags are searched. A civilian employee of the Transportation Security Administration may open and search your…

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