
Paul O’Neal shot and killed by Chicago police

Last week Paul O’Neal was fleeing from police in a stolen car. He crashed past one police car, and cops shot at him. He then veered head-on into another cop car, bailed, jumped over a fence (being more agile than any of the chasing cops), and was then shot at again. One (or more?) of these shots hit O’Neal in…

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Reducing police-involved shooting & “The List”

This past week John McWhorter and I were both (separately) on Bloggingheads.tv with Glenn Loury to talk about race and all the recent shootings. McWhorter emphasized race as a factor of those shot by police and: challenged those who disagree to present a list of white people killed within the past few years under circumstances similar to those that so…

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Chicago Police Report

It’s kind of hilarious that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying to present his cover-up-and-dictate style of management as concern for police misconduct. But leaving that aside, a task-force he appointed has released its report. Some of what it says needs to be said: “From 2011-2015, 40% of complaints filed were not investigated by IPRA.” And: “These events and others…

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Problems with Tasers

I had no idea TASER was an acronym standing for anything, much less “Thomas A. Swift’s electric rifle“! The LA Times reports: LAPD officers fired Tasers just over 1,100 times last year…. The devices had the desired outcome — causing someone to submit to arrest — only 53% of the time. Is half the time better than nothing or not…

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Taser Use

Great story in the Baltimore Sun about taser use: • Nearly 60 percent of those hit by Tasers in Maryland were described by police as “non-compliant and non-threatening,” according to data from 2012 when the state began collecting data through 2014. • In one out of every 10 incidents, police discharged the weapon for longer than 15 seconds — a…

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“Justice 4 Whom”?!

Generally I couldn’t care less what Beyonce’s dancers think. But “Justice 4 Mario Woods” and a black power salute? Are you effing kidding me? Mario Woods was shot and killed by San Francisco police back in December. It was a good shooting. Christ almighty there are plenty of bad police shootings. Not this one. Woods doesn’t need justice. “Justice 4…

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Cops on Comey

I love thoughtful cops. Especially those who can write. He emailed me this and agreed to let me repost it, anonymously. I wish him well and am happy to see people like this still becoming police officers. I’m a police recruit with a B.A. in the social sciences, and I read your blog a lot. Granted I am just a…

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“We can’t walk away.”

Baltimore’s Acting Commissioner Kevin Davis speaks about this video where officers fight with a suspect: The community doesn’t expect police officers to walk by that type of thing. … I’ve watched the video 5 or 6 times and think the officers showed remarkable restraint. … This is where the art form of policing is really best spoken about. What does…

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