…but not is the way I wanted. From the Washington Post: The Supreme Court has unanimously upheld a 10-year prison sentence for cocaine possession, rejecting a claim that harsh penalties in federal law apply only to crack cocaine.
Tag: war on drugs
Welcome Home, Dear!
My wife is out of town. I think for her return I’ll surprise her with a slightly used Mexican car. I’m sure she’ll love me more than ever. No doubt. The problem is that parking around here can be a real bitch.
The Virgin king
An interview with Richard Branson about drugs. In the Guardian: “I’ve seen the war on drugs and I’ve not been impressed.” That must be what they call classic British understatement. “I’m the sort of person who is extreme at anything they do. I’m therefore careful not to overindulge.” He has admitted to taking other drugs including cocaine and ecstasy in…
From the UK
Ian Birrell give a nice new twist to the same-old-same-old in the Guardian’s Observer Magazine: In 1998, the United Nations committed member states to achieve a “drug-free world”, pledging to eliminate or “significantly reduce” use of opium, cannabis and cocaine by 2008. Instead, global opiate use rose by more than one-third over that time, with big rises also for cocaine…
Breaking News: Global War on Drugs has Failed!!!
OK. That’s not really news. But this report is kind of a big deal. So says the BBC, the “Global war on drugs has ‘failed’.” Imagine that. The panel included former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, the former presidents of Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, the former US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, the current Prime Minister of Greece, George Papandreou,…
Call me old-fashioned…
…But something always bothers me when police break down your door and kill you. Doesn’t seem necessary. update: The tactics here are terrible. Why are they standing in front of the door? I wouldn’t answer a call for a lost lolcat without standing off to the side. In fact, even today, 10 years later, I still do. And what’s with…
Highway Robbery
From over at The Agitator. It’s reached the point where these “drug war” police don’t even pretend to be anything but money-hungry mercenaries.
Memories of a Baltimore Crack House
One of the nice things about being a police officer is you can explore places that normal people fear to tread (or would get arrested if found). Back in 2001, I wanted a good view to conduct surveillance of a drug corner. So I entered this vacant building. This block has since been torn down. #1) 1900 Block of E…
Drug Legalization Gets Republican Cheers
Al Sharpton and Ron Paul are the two people I can’t imagine ever voting for, and yet… God bless ’em for their contributions to presidential debates! They both liven things up, buck the Party Line, and sometimes just make plain sense (though, alas, not all the time). Here’s Paul talking about drug legalization. He makes it sound like a common-sense…
Mexican Poet Against the Drug War
I’m back from Mexico City, happy to have been there. No, I didn’t get sick (or mugged). Yes, I ate everything (including grasshopper quesadillas, which I can say are tasty, but it’s still best not to lift the tortilla and look at the critters melted in with the cheese). But I’m also happy to be back at low altitude. Seriously,…