
Never lose sight…

I received this email today. It’s worth reading. I wish all police officers wrote so well. I wish all my students wrote so well. Too bad he’s not my student. Some small police department’s gain was surely Baltimore’s loss. I recently finished the first chapter of your book, Cop in the Hood and found it to be completely on point…

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Community Policing query

Dear Prof. Moskos First off, let me say that I enjoyed your book. As someone who has recently moved to Baltimore and now finds themselves living on the edge of the Eastern I found it a fascinating read. Your discussion of 911 helped to explain the very big difference in reaction between the community meetings. Commanders (not a direct quote)…

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Losing the drug war

You probably heard about the mass of San Diego State University students arrested for drug dealing. That college students take drugs shouldn’t be a big surprise for anybody who went to college. College students drink, too. Nor, if it weren’t for the guns involved, would I see it as a big problem. The far more worrisome news comes from Mexico.…

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You can ask my man right here with the broken neck

911 is a joke. We should all know that by now. If patrol officers didn’t have to always be ready to answer the next bullshit call, they could do a lot more to prevent crime. I’ve written about this. I’ve always argued that while rapid response doesn’t make sense for police, it does for ambos and fire trucks. David Kohn…

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Can you get away with murder?

Most of the time. The City Paper is starting to look into homicides to see what actually happens in the Hall of Justice. Sometimes somebody gets put away. Most of the times, not. I was turned onto this by the unfortunately fascinating Baltimore Crime Blog.


Save the date, Tuesday, May 13, 4:15pm

I’ll be on WBAL’s Ron Smith Show, Tuesday, May 13, at 4:15pm (EDT). You can listen to a live stream of the broadcast. I used to listen to WBAL a lot, because they used to broadcast the Orioles games. I particularly liked the local ads for crabcakes and the steamfitters and stevedores local. That’s keeping it real.


That’s where the money is

A 10AM robbery of an armored truck pulled up at Lexington Market is bold, to say the least. Here’s the Sun’s account. Makes me think of the line from the Godfather, at least as I remember it: “Forget the gun, grab the crabcake!”