
Numbers, please

I don’t normally go around asking for stats. I’ll take a good anecdote over a slippery statistics any day. And yet… I feel like an old operator at times saying, “Number, please.” Last night I was writing and had a very simple question: how many US prisoners are in solitary confinement? Seems like a simple and important question since this…

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Baltimore Officer Not-Guilty in 2008 Shooting

So finds a Baltimore City Jury. The story by Erica Green in the Sun. Sanders testified that Hunt assaulted him during a drug arrest at Hamilton Park Shopping Center two years ago, and that if Hunt hadn’t reached for his pocket while running away, the five-year veteran wouldn’t have shot him twice in the back. The jury began deliberating Friday…

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Stupid People Attack Christians for Being Muslim

Of course I wouldn’t be for stupid people attacking Muslims either. But there is something deliciously ironic in turning against people who flew across the country to join your hate-filled cause. What else can you say about something so idiotic? (other than “Go back to Jersey, you friggin’ yahoos!”) At least it shows the true color of these so-called patriots…

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Cops Cuff Cop at Mets Game

Cops arrest an off-duty cop for being drunk and obnoxious at the ballpark. This doesn’t surprise me. But I mention it for those who talk too much of the Blue Wall of Silence and some secret code of brotherhood and that cops never arrest another cop unless they have to and somebody is hurt. Now I’m sure (and would hope)…

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The Parable of Prohibition

Daniel Okrent has a new book out, Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. I haven’t read it yet. But I’ll be damned if Johann Hari in Slate hasn’t written one of the better book review I’ve ever read. It’s not easy to keep writing about the absurdity of prohibition in a new way. But until we end drug…

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On [Acadmic] Writing

I have an article in the current Political and Legal Anthropology Review, “Policing: A Sociologist’s Response to an Anthropological Account”: In order to be read (and who among us writes for sheer compositional joy alone?) writing needs to be good; people won’t read the other kind. The more jargon and sociobabble we anthropologists, sociologists, and ethnographers spew out, the more…

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What Flags?

Off-duty Baltimore officer Gahiji Tshamba, the guy who seems to have emptied his glock at and into a man for touching his girlfriend seems to have a bit of a history. “Investigators found13 bullet casings at the scene and the officer’s gun was empty. Nine of those bullets ended up hitting the ex-Marine, which some say is excessive.” The problem…

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Hispanics leave Arizona ahead of immigration law

So says USA Today. The governor said, “If that means that fewer people are breaking the law, that is absolutely an accomplishment.” The good news is that at least one of the criminals–I mean business owner–plans to move to New York City. It would be nice if the aftermath of this law could to be analyzed rationally and people actually…

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Communists Born in the USA and Dire Straits

I was in the hardware store the other day. The one where the business owner is a middle-aged, liberal, dog loving, some’er teeth, former punk kind of guy (only in New York). Dire Straits “Walk of life” was on the radio and I mentioned how I loved that song when it came out… and how today he sounds more like…

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I was listening to my all-time favorite interviewer, Milt Rosenberg, talk to a few Chicago cops. Like most cops talking in public, this interview starts out a bit stilted, but they open up by the end. [I was on this show last year–my life’s dream! I’ve been listening to Uncle Milt for about 30 years (and I’m only 38). He…

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