
Time to Tell

I have an op-ed in today’s Washington Post about my father and “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” It’s got absolutely nothing to do with policing. I was the first critic of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” It was 1993, and I was home on break from college. My father, Charles Moskos, and I were watching TV and drinking ouzo. … My father…

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Shut yo’ mouth!

The Supreme Court ruled that suspects must explicitly tell police they want to be silent or want a lawyer to invoke their Miranda protection during interrogations. I’m pretty liberal guy, but I’m all for this conservative decision by the court. Look, if you don’t want to be convicted, the smartest thing you can do is shut up. Period. Don’t talk.…

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More Immigrants, Less Crime

I’ve said it before, but now there’s yet more academic support, this study by Tim Wadsworth. You can’t easily access the study and it’s not light reading if you can. But Christopher Dickey wrote a very readable article about the study. Dickey is the author of a very good book: Securing the City. Wadsworth’s research and the recent FBI data…

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