
Baltimore mom beats son for rioting

This had become a popular video in Baltimore. And the interview with moms. You know, technically, in our-spanking-is-wrong society, mom committed the crime of physical child abuse. The law says lock her up and put her child in protective services to protect him from her. The law is not made by single mothers in Baltimore.


“Baltimore Riots! Murder Rate Drops!”

That could be one headline from yesterday. There was no Baltimore homicide between 23:45 hours on Sunday and 12:00 our today (Tuesday). I also just heard a call dispatched for drug dealing. It’s almost like things are getting back to normal. (Though they’re not normal yet.)


“Space to Destroy”

I still can’t get over the Mayor saying “We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.” [Update: Though now I understand, thanks to a comment by Matt and others in a previous post, what I think she was trying to say: From the video, it appears she did indeed mean that the city inadvertently…

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Baltimore Police Riot Training

Well, that did not go well. When the fires hit the Eastern, I felt it got personal. I can’t believe nobody got killed. Hell, by that standard, it was a peaceful night in the city. In the academy, we got less than one (1) day of riot training. This are my notes from Tuesday, April 4, 2000, in their entirety:…

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Kooks of C-SPAN

I expected better from C-Span. Do they not have a call screener? From the left, do I really need to say on national TV that police departments are controlled lock, stock and barrel by the Klan? From the right, do I really need to have to answer for a caller who talks about: Caller: RAMPAGING BLACK CRIMINALITY THAT IS RAMPANT…

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