For the record…

John McCain will lose. Obama will win. Sarah Palin is a horrible choice for running mate. She is not fit to be president. On the plus side I’m sure she knows how many homes she has and that rich is a less than $5 million a year.

Is it too much to ask for candidates to respect the responsibilities of vice president by actually picking people who are smarter and moreexperienced than average? No doubt, unlike McCain, she is “real.” Keep on keeping it real, sister!

And by the way, if your chief qualifications for office are moral righteousness and being a good mom (and being governor of state with a huge problem of sexual abuse, particularly incestuous sexual abuse), your teenage kid getting knocked up is kind of an issue. I’m not opposed to 17-year-olds having consensual sex (and they wouldn’t stop, even if I were). I just don’t want them having kids. Not in Baltimore. Not in Alaska.

14 thoughts on “For the record…

  1. If Palin’s selection was meant to appeal to Clinton loyalists, then that shows how little McCain and co. respect the intelligence of those voters (all though those who are totally absorbed with gender/identity poltics might fall for this ruse). Palin is vehemently anti-abortion, a social conservative, and a creationist. I just read part of an interview in which she stated that she supported keeping the Pledge of Allegiance as it is because, ” if it was good enough for the founding fathers, it’s good enough for me.” Sigh. The pledge, of course, was written many years after 1776 by a baptist-socialist whose name slips my mind. It did not originally include the phrase “under God.” The purpose of this addition was to show that we were different from the goddless Soviet Union. Yes, Mrs. Palin has some issues with science and history. What other issues will we discover before it’s all over?

  2. PCM, you’re slipping into the deep end, friend. I’m pretty sure that Palin is running as the VP and not the President. McCain’s health will be fine, as he’ll have the best healthcare any American could hope for.

    What has Obama promised that you feel makes him so qualified? Did he tell you about his 143 days in the Senate? or his desire to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens? Maybe that’s the one that’s got everyone all excited.

    I just reads about all the damage and disruption the liberal protesters have already done at the RNC…. No wonder liberals want us all disarmed…. If assault, battery, disturbing the peace, and vandalism was my main mode of political expression I wouldn’t want anyone having guns either.

    We’ll see what happens. (I think you’re wrong)

  3. Palin is anti abortion, yes…but she’s also running for VP. So, that doesn’t really matter. She does have a record of ousting corrupt politicians and lowering taxes. Now THAT is CHANGE I can believe in. Obama has a history of being friends with corrupt politicians and terrorists and raising taxes. I HOPE he gets canned in the election.

  4. one more…

    Guns are the canaries in the coal mine,a bellwether on how people really feel about freedom and individual responsibility. – Michael Bane

  5. If you want to discuss which issues we might find out about Palin (The VP nom)….we should then spend some time looking at the issues that we’ve found out about Obama. You can start with these two sites. Just the ‘gaffes’ stack up to a few pages…

  6. May I add one more thing (or two)?

    Two nicely written essays.

  7. I probable won’t comment, but add all you want!

    I’ll try and keep the focus on police and crime rather than politics.

    [Come November, I just wanted to be able to say “nya nya I told you so!” Or something slightly more dignified than that.]

    But while you’re at it, look at this column I like. I’m curious what you think:

  8. I think people would be better off if they didn’t spend so long looking at Washington for answers and started looking at themselves. If you give all of this responsibility to the Federal government, eventually its going to be someone you don’t like. If you’re a Republican think of Jimmy Carter. If you’re a Democrat think of George Bush.

  9. @LibFree

    I’m with you 100%.


    [Come November, I just wanted to be able to say “nya nya I told you so!” Or something slightly more dignified than that.]


  10. From that article – “What we really need is a government that works, because it’s run by people who understand that sometimes government is the solution, after all. And that seems to be something undreamed of in either Mr. Bush’s or Mr. McCain’s philosophy.”

    Well, I can’t think of any reason that government is ever the solution…except maybe for police, infrastructure and the military. Other than that….they can’t seem to do anything right. They even screw up those three things. So, I disagree 100%. Having a government be involved in more aspects of my life makes me cringe.

  11. Palin is a great choice to the Republican ticket-She has the balls to stand up to the jerks in Washington. Lets face it, she is making the Dem Party shake in their shoes a bit and I love it! By the way-I am proudly displaying my McCain/Palin sign in my yard in my very liberal neighborhood in Baltimore City! GO PALIN!!!!!

  12. Sandy, I’m happy to hear it! I’m pretty stoked on Palin myself. She breaths some life and energy back into the GOP. I, too, am proudly flying my colors in the window. It’ll be nice to watch Obama/CarSalesmanBiden go down in November.

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