4 thoughts on “Cops shoot bad guy–hostage safe

  1. Ironically placed next to the article about jury nullification. Seemed like a couple of cops got hurt in that exchange.

    Yet, if I had a bug up my ass about our country's monetary system I might vote to aquit that guy if he survived? Yes, nullification makes alot of sense.

  2. That's not a good comparison. If you had a bug up your behind about the monetary system, it might make sense to acquit somebody brought up on, say, tax evasion issues.

    Taking a hostage at gunpoint, as related to the monetary system, doesn't have much in common with possessing cocaine, found incident to arrest.

  3. This guy was robbing a bank, relating it to the monetary system? Maybe the comparison is a stretch…at least the lady didn't get hurt.


  4. I understand your point. But yeah, it's a stretch.

    Unrelated… You think the cop should have tried to cap the robber when he was almost at point blank, a few seconds before he tripped?

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