It’s a lazy journalist and an incompetent academic who writes a story based on the anecdotes of cab drivers, bartenders, and shoe shiners. But… I was getting my shoes shined Friday afternoon in Baltimore’s Penn Station and the shoe shiner and I were chatting. He was a black man, a bit older than me. Baltimore born and bred. West Side.…
Category: Police
The Wire’s Realism
One of the issues that came up in Baltimore at the conference I was at is the realism of The Wire. I say The Wireis about 75% – 80% realistic. Not 100%. But 74% ain’t bad. And being “real” three out of four times is still about three times more realistic than any other cop show ever made. But I’m…
The Wire: The Conference
Anybody want to hear people talk about The Wire? In Leeds. The UK. You know, where the Queen hangs out. It’s in November. I’ll be there. ‘Ello Leeds! Here’s the call for papers.
Back from Baltimore
I just got back from a conference (the Eastern Sociological Society) in Baltimore. It was well organized and all three sessions were quite interesting. I got to meet old friends and new. My two contributions were speaking on a panel about the Baltimore Ghetto and also having the privilege of being the discussant for a panel on “The Wire” featuring…
4 Police Officers Shot in Oakland
Here’s the story. Update (12:40am): Three of the officers have died, I just read. “On Saturday, people lingered at the scene of the traffic-stop shooting. About 20 bystanders taunted the police.” Update (Monday 1pm): The fourth officer has been declared brain dead.
Beyond Hope?
Michael East is a veteran police officer in Saginaw, Michigan. He’s also an excellent writer. He has a new book coming out. Beyond Hope? Saginaw, not that you’d know, is a pretty messed up place of rusted industry and abandonment. It’s lost about half its population. Even Habitat for Humanity is helping tear it down. Mike’s book is great. I…
A policeman’s job is only easy in a police state
So says Ramon “Mike” Vargas (Charlton Heston) in Orson Well’s 1958 “Touch of Evil” (thanks, Dave H.). Two Peoria, Illinois, police officers were arrested in relation to a police stomping. Here’s the story in the Peoria Journal Star. I worry about publicizing such things because they make people think such behavior is normal for police. It’s not. Such beat downs…
Police officer fired for neglect, cowardice after failing to shoot at gunman
Policing is one of the few jobs where “cowardice” can get you fired. Here’s a fascinating storyby Brendan McCarthy in the New Orleans Times-Picayune about a police officer fired for not shooting a gun man. They see a man standing about 50 feet away in the street, pointing a gun. Pop, pop. … He chose to hold his fire and…
Chicago Cop Votes “No Confidence” In Superintendent
It’s generally not good to bring a Police Chief from outside a department. A former FBI agent? That’s not really good enough to be in charge in New York or Chicago or L.A. The storyin the Tribune.
St. Louis Police Department no longer accepts lost items
Shame on the St. Louis Police Department! Of course people should be able to turn over lost items to the police. Maybe it’s just a minor gambit to get more money. I’ll cool with that. After all, it’s not like there’s no vacant space in St. Louis to hold things. Here’s the story by Heather Ratcliffe.