7 thoughts on “Good shooting

  1. PCM:
    Hell, that video made me blink!!
    Good aimed fire…that's for sure.
    (and I'll be that officer KNEW how many shots he DID fire)

    Goes to show the most "routine" stop can often wind up NOT being one.

    Stay safe.

  2. Certainly a good shooting.

    That's one reason I like cameras in police cars.

    Eliminates certain questions as to whether the cop was right.

  3. Here's the obituary for the deceased shooter.


    – Raymond “Thane” Davis was born Sept. 17, 1973. He was given freedom from his earthly cares on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2010.

    That's one way to put it.

  4. Funny how police video shows up when it is a good shoot, and doesn't when it isn't.

  5. Actually it's for legal reasons. If it's a bad shooting you can't go around leaking evidence that is going to be used in a prosecution. Along with ethical issues, it makes picking an unbiased jury hard as hell.

  6. I don't know. I honestly don't think the surveillance cam vids of the Grant shooting or the Mineo buggering are ever coming out, ever, ever. See also:


    On a legal note, I don't think leaked video is a hinderance to prosecution. One may (or may not) believe that justice has failed in some of the famous "leaked" video cases like Billy Shane Harrison's or Johannes Mehserle's or Stacy Koon's, but even so it is not the leaking of the video that impeded justice, but something else. Frankly, leaked video makes justice more likely and not less. It is transparency.

  7. Or to rip another story from today's NYC headlines:


    Ex-Officer Pogan may or may not be convicted, but do you honestly think that better justice would have been done if the popos had confiscated the "leaked" video at the scene before it "leaked"?

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