Here’s to Officer Walter Fahey

The Boston Globehad a nice tribute to Boston Police Officer Walter Fahey, who died in October.

[Update: I just received a very gracious email from Walter Fahey’s son. He mentions this piece in particular as capturing the spirit of his father. As my father wrote before he recently passed away: We shall never see their likes again.]

2 thoughts on “Here’s to Officer Walter Fahey

  1. Thanks for posting that Peter. As a guy that may wind up in the field, I was touched by the stories about Officer Fahey. This article should make the rounds at academies. RIP Walter.

  2. Hi,
    Met Walter on a visit from Ireland and can say he was a true gentleman and came from a very famous family in Ireland.
    I know he is in place where all heros meet and to his family a Happy New Year.


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