And the century has just barely begun.
How come nobody is buying Cop in the Hood for Christmas? My Amazon sales rank is rapidly approaching infinity. Not good. Last I checked, more than 200,000 book were selling better than my book. That’s a lot of books being bought that aren’t mine.
I can’t think of a better present in the holiday spirit than a scintillating story of blood, drugs, and arrest discretion!
Oh wait, I can. There’s Forking Fantastic, the best cookbook ever. It’s even got a recipe by me (though that’s not what makes it the best cookbook ever).
Two great last-minute Christmas presents. You can still get them shipped in time for Christmas. Or go to your local bookstore. I’m just sayin’…
ordered it earlier today. looking fwd 2 reading
I got it in my stocking
Somebody must really love you!