
Crime is/isn’t up!

Jarret Murphy over at City Limitspoints out that crime has increased plenty of times in NYC in the past 15 years. And nobody really raised an alarm. This year it’s not even clear that crime is up, despite news accounts saying so. So there’s this a narrative of crime being out of control: Murders are up 5 percent!!! (Maybe a…

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NYPD Discipline

Some stats about the NYPD in the New York Times. Bratton is giving more discretion to local commanders for disciplining cops for minor offenses. That’s good. It’s another move away from the micro-managed overly top-down approach of former Commissioner Ray Kelly. The article then tries to say Bratton is not applying Broken Windows within his own department… but that once…

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“It’s Showtime NYC”

Interesting conceptreported in the New York Times to get subway dancers out of the subway. An arrest based approach wasn’t working (not the first time you’ve heard that): Arrests alone — though drastically increasing — were not solving the problem, Mr. Bassin said. He said many of the dancers interviewed in the planning stages of the new effort viewed being…

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CCRB and the NYPD

A new report from the New York’s CCRB (civilian complaint review board) is out. There are some interesting things here. Much more video evidence means more complaints are being substantiated. But overall complaints are down substantially (22%) from one year ago. And this: From January 2014 through June 30, 2015, one percent of identified officers on the force were responsible…

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Baltimore Equals New York City in Homicides

I often joked about this, but I really never thought this day would happen. On August 16, both New York and Baltimore had 208 murders. Baltimore has added another 8 since then. I’m not certain about NYC. New York City has 7.5 million more residents than Charm City.


Cops rat out cops. Cops get punished.

Al Baker in the Times: Nineteen New York City police officers assigned to a station house in the Bronx face disciplinary action after being charged on Friday by department lawyers with wrongdoing, including incorrectly classifying crimes and downgrading criminal complaints, the police said. The administrative charges against the officers, from the 40th Precinct, follow an internal audit that uncovered 55…

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The Kelly Legacy of Micromanagement

Cops would complain about this all the time when Kelly was chief. After a decade in power, the stories of his micromanaging were legendary. This is the kind of stuff the public never really understands or appreciates, even when it dominates internal police culture. A long overdue article, from the veteran Murray Weiss at DNA.info: An aide approached [Bratton] with…

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Low Morale

The NY Post reports an NYPD study that says: “More than half of city cops have bad feelings about being a police officer because of their bosses.” It goes on: The findings also revealed 85 percent of cops feared being proactive on the street because they are wary of civilian complaints. More than two-thirds say they have not taken lawful…

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Policing Will Never Be The Same

This is huge: The NYPD has authorized, effective as of 0001 hrs, 4 June 2015, the use of — are you seated? — black OR BLUE ink for all department business. Too much. Too soon. It’s gotta be DeBlasio’s fault. For sure.