
Goddamn pharmacist set me up!

Cops should not ask other people to commit crimes. Nor, legally, can they give you permission to do so. Certainly not for a felony. Seems pretty obvious to me. Specifically this is about pharmacists filling out prescriptions they know to be bogus so drug addicts can then be arrested for the more serious crime of drug possession. To do so…

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Barry Gibbs speaks

Barry Gibbs was framed by the Mob Cops and spend more than 18 years behind bars. He was innocent. This is the ten minute talk he gave at The Moth in 2006. After hearing him, I invited him to come to my classes and speak at John Jay College. He did. He recently got a lot of money for what…

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Mobile Marijuana Dispensaries

I enjoy watching California’s marijuana laws evolve. That’s the way we should be dealing with drugs. Delivery services are one way people are getting their weed in California (and in New York City, too, even though it’s clearly illegal here). I’m all for legal and regulated drugs. And yet I wouldn’t want to live next to a marijuana dispensary. Nor…

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Time to Tell (IV)

I got another email from a somebody who worked with my father. He wrote: Charlie took me to a book party where he introduced me to Colin Powell. On the way out Charley and I were speaking about DADT and I suddenly realized that he thought that it was going to a permanent solution to the issue. DADT was a…

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Time to Tell (III)

Lady Gaga wants “don’t ask don’t tell” repealed. That should settle that once and for all! I’m pretty sure my father (AKA: Charles “Who’s James Brown?” Moskos) would have no idea who Lada Gaga is.


Time to Tell (II)

I received a very nice email from Rob Levinson, Lt Col, USAF (Ret). In 2007 he may have been the highest ranking active-duty officer to publicly come out against “don’t ask don’t tell.” He had kind words about my father (it says something that so many of my father’s opponentswrite me with kind words to say about him). After mentioning…

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Dirt bike crashes into car. Car driver assulted.

This dirt bike thing in Baltimore continues to be out of control. I can’t believe that 10 years after I first saw packs of these going around, they’re still a problem. I mean, other cities don’t have this problem. What makes Baltimore so unique? To ride an illegal dirt bike, especially on the sidewalk or through parks, needs to be…

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Barry Gibbs gets millions

When I saw the headline, “City to Pay $9.9 Million Over Man’s Imprisonment,” my first thought was, “I hope that’s not mycity.” But it is. That means a few bucks straight out of my pocket. I hate that! Especially for bad policing. But then I saw that the man getting the money is Barry Gibbs. I know Barry Gibbs. I…

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Deli workers fight off armed robbers

Bodega workers take a gun out of robber’s hands. Beyond that nothing too eventful… except it’s less than a mile from my home (though it is, you know, over there, on the other side of 21st St, near the projects… what I half-jokingly call Astoria’s ghetto).