911 is a Joke

But not usually when police are under fire.

Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis on Friday denounced as “reprehensible” — and demanded severe punishment against those responsible for — a 911 dispatch delay that left an off-duty police officer to fend for himself while being shot at from a car filled with alleged gang members.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported this week that Orozco has launched an internal investigation to find out why up to eight minutes went by before police were dispatched to assist the off-duty officer.

The story by Fran Speilman in the Chicago Sun Times.

19 thoughts on “911 is a Joke

  1. Because it's my blog and I'm not enjoying this. There's no accounting for taste. I'm sure you have many other things to do with your time than come here. And there are many other police-themed blogs in the world for you to enjoy.

  2. washingtonexaminer.com/local/ap/59084257.html

    COMMENT: I do not know if he is really guilty or not. He may have plead even if he did not do the crime.

  3. I see my blog as an open house and all my readers are like my guests.

    So you've been in my house. I've passed around hors d'oeuvres and everybody has enjoyed the free booze. The party has been a blast.

    You've been a particularly loud and flamboyant guest. But it takes all kinds, right? First I greeted you. Then for a while I was pretending to ignore you. But all the while I had to keep an eye out on you to make sure you didn't accidentally break anything.

    I’ve decided you’re an unwelcome guest. I've politely asked you to leave. You could take the high ground and simply walk away. But instead you start bickering with me about my rules. And not for the first time. That is my problem.

    So maybe my reasons are valid. Maybe not. Regardless, it's my house. And instead of leaving you're forcing me to shut down the whole party. If I still a Baltimore cop, it is at this point I'd lock you up for loitering.

  4. Peter, from what I gather, "Frequent Poster" seems to fit the classic bully profile. He acts in a boorish and abusive manner, tries to hit all your buttons, and when he is called on it, acts like the victim is being totally unreasonable. I have seen this personality type in domestic abusers and other criminally-inclined types that I deal with at work.

    Man, some people just can't take a hint. If I got the feeling that my presence wasn't desired in a particular setting, I would just leave. But maybe "Frequent Poster" doesn't have anything else to do. I like to post on your site, but I also have a job and a life. Perhaps the same cannot be said for "Frequent Poster" or similar internet trolls. Dave H.- IL

  5. Anonymous,

    I have no knowledge or insight into that case.

    Do you know if the plea was for a misdemeanor or felony?

    I might take a misdemeanor plea if I were innocent. But if he plead guilty to a felony assault, a trial would not have worked in his favor.

  6. And you, Dave, are someone whose comments I always appreciate. One day I hope we can get together for a drink!

  7. PCM,

    there are many police themes blogs out there, but this one seems to be relatively unique.

    Since I agree with your take on the silliness of the "drug war" I find this blog to be incisive and a must read.

    If I disagreed I would accuse you of being the "enemy" and then I'd start ranting about "freedom fries" and birth certificates.

  8. secondcitycop.blogspot.com/2009/09/unacceptable-delay.html

    From a Chicago Cop Blog. Just to add a little to the discussion.

  9. DJK,
    Thanks for that link. Good comments there. Dispatchers are an important and too little discussed occupation.

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