“Cast-Out Police Officers Are Often Hired in Other Cities”

It’s unclear how big of a problem this is. But even that is part of the problem. The fact that it happens at all is horrible. You’d also think police departments, even the tiny ones (much less Cleveland), would be a bit more inclined to do a more thorough background check. Maybe pick up the phone or something. You’d also think there would be a database. And there is, The National Decertification Index. But it’s not well funded, according to the New York Times. Why it can’t get a little cash from the DOJ seems to is a mystery:

The Justice Department, which gave the association about $200,000 to start the database in 2009, no longer funds it. The department declined to explain why it had dropped its support, but a spokesman said the goal was “ensuring that our nation’s law enforcement agencies have the necessary resources to identify the best qualified candidates to protect and serve communities.”

Thanks for nothing, spokesman.

2 thoughts on ““Cast-Out Police Officers Are Often Hired in Other Cities”

  1. Often police are allowed to resign and the disciplinary process is terminated. They won't take an embarrassing hit. But because they resign under investigation, they will be precluded from future Leo employment. Nonetheless, they enter private industry with the past transgressions in their rear view mirror. When asked why they left Leo after six Yeats, they often say, "I didn't want a job that required I wear body armor every day." That plays well with the public.

  2. A lot of departments will take anyone with a pulse and overlook tons of transgressions from the past…because no one wants to be a cop in the current climate. Believe me the recruitment crisis is a real thing

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