“Cops fucking love overtime”

I’m quoted in Vice Magazine’s article, “New York City’s Biggest Marijuana Problem Is the Police.” Of fuckety fuck. Do I really swear that much?

And here’s another unrelated story about the corrosive effects of overtime.

2 thoughts on ““Cops fucking love overtime”

  1. It's true however you say it. Its not just about drugs either. Among violent crimes detectives in my hometown there is a saying: "There's no crime 'til there's overtime." The love of OT pervades the organization.

  2. Pete,

    I bet your thoughts on overtime are solid in big cities in the NE, but in a medium sized town on the West coast not in California? We can't get the youngsters to sign up for overtime. They are too in tune with there off time. What's the difference? They get a living wage where they can afford a decent home and can afford to raise a family IN the town they police. This next generation loves time off. Your next generation is trying to make a living. I'd be interested in seeing a study that evaluated the misconduct rates in agencies that pay a living wage and those that don't. PDs like New Orleans happen because you can't recruit the best if you don't pay for it.

    Whenever you have a police force that can't live in the town they police, your ripe for problems. Whose fault is that? It isn't the young coppers. Its the politicians and the citizens who aren't paying the freight. I'm happy our guys aren't focused on overtime. That keeps them fresh for their "day job". No second jobs means better policing. Keep blogging!

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