Crimes and Cameras

Just one point of data to add to the picture. From the Chicago Sun Times:

Even with $26 million in high-resolution cameras finally in full force last year, reported crime at CTA rail stations rose 21 percent, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis shows.

And compared with 2010 — well before most of the CTA’s current 3,600 rail station cameras were installed — station crime was up 32 percent.

3 thoughts on “Crimes and Cameras

  1. The increase is largely because of increased theft of electronics. IPhones, Kindles, etc etc.

    I suspect much of it doesn't even get reported. Within the last two years or so an older woman was killed when a young thief knocked her down while running away at the Redline Fullerton stop.

    Mr Watson is unworthy of a hyperlink. According to the state website he is currently staying at the crossbar hotel known as Stateville for another crime.

    It seems he's awaiting trial on the murder charge.

  2. Here are a few other points of data. 🙂

    Residents fight burglars with flower power
    […] a population of 528,800, saw a record 1,710 break-ins in 2002.
    […] the number of burglaries falling to 390 in 2008, down almost 80 percent from 2002.
    […] When a neighborhood watch group found that there were fewer burglaries in buildings on flower-lined streets, Suginami decided to kick off Operation Flower and asked volunteers to plant seeds on side streets and in front of their homes.

    And directly related.

    Third, not just flowers or edibles, but also color!

    A TED talk recently described the amazing change in business districts in Albania that happened based on painting buildings bright colors. The EU said those colors were not acceptable according to regulations, the mayor said “tough” and went forward anyway.

    • Low Cost
    • Beautifies both the natural and human-made landscapes
    • All ages/races/genders/physical abilities can participate
    • Educational opportunities: horticulture, science, math, civic planning, etc…
    • Possibly motivate people to be more physical active and want to learn more useful information
    • Teach generosity and forgiveness like the Shakers did; when the inevitable thefts and wanton destruction of plants occurs (I would predict that as time goes on idiotic trashing would decrease)
    • soil improvement over time

    • Less money funneled to high tech jobs programs that don’t add value to society or help the planet but only add to its exploitation and trampling of the constitution in which everyone is considered guilty until proven innocent
    • Feelings of guilt as formerly high and mighty people in authority see that others are doing such simple, low cost things and actually making a difference through being nice instead of bullying intimidation, lording authority over others, and driving society bankrupt

  3. No doubt there will be some negative comments from some: "distracting," "dangerous," etc… but I would much rather walk up and down painted stairs than boring ones. Here is but one example.

    Artsy Stairs WIN

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